Screen Capture recorder - audio/video sync.

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Steve Lane

Mar 2, 2016, 6:42:14 PM3/2/16
Hello Roger,

I have been trying Screen Capture Recorder for a few days and notice
that the audio and video are out of sync. The audio is ahead of the
video by about one second. This happens with small or HD videos that
I've used for testing. It occurs regardless of framerate and doesn't
appear to be a performance issue. I was wondering if you have any
suggestions as to what could be causing this. I'm using Windows 7.

Many thanks.


Steve Lane

Mar 6, 2016, 4:28:33 PM3/6/16
Hi Roger,

Yes, combining them like -i audio=x:video=y removed the sync problem, thanks.

Incidentally, I made a recording of the entire desktop with all 'default' settings with your program and it was perfectly in sync. The out of sync problem only occurred when dragging out a window. But never-mind, I now have a solution and I'm happy, so thanks.

The only possible issue is the following during capture. This continuously repeats from just after start to finish. It never goes over 100%. Is it anything important?

[dshow @ 0000000000382660] real-time buffer [virtual-audio-capturer] [audio input] too full or near too full (100% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!



On 04/03/2016 22:05, Roger Pack wrote:
Your second example "should" work if you have something playing.
For your first, if its out of sync, try combining it into -i audio=x:video=y and see if that helps.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Steve Lane <> wrote:
Ah, let me explain what's happened. A user/idiot (me) has searched google for screen capture software and come across your program (which is great btw), and used it. So I've only clicked on 'Record or stream video and or audio' from the menu and set those options available in the java program. So OK, I now know I can run ffmpeg from a cmd line, but I don't see how to modify the cmd line parameters for your program.

Anyway, in cmd, the following works with both video and audio synced:
ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder" -f dshow -i audio="Wave (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Devic" output.mp4

The following has no audio:
ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="virtual-audio-capturer":video="screen-capture-recorder" output.mp4

But I'd just like to use your program instead of cmd. :-)

Many thanks.


On 03/03/2016 01:51, Roger Pack wrote:
what command line?

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