CA gov race

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May 30, 2014, 1:22:30 AM5/30/14
Just an impish thought.

While I'd never want Tim Donnelly to actually be Governor of CA, it would
be great if he were Jerry Brown's challenger in November (because it would
tend to harm Republicans in down-ballot races across the state -- it would
undermine Republican mobilization and lower their turnout, and thus some of
the state legislature races that are competitive might flow more toward
Dems, and maybe they'd be more likely to retain the 2/3rds majorities in
both chambers).

So I have a snarky name for Neel Kashkari, the "GOP establishment choice"
for Governor: Cash-and-Carry.

Implies how much he is shoving megadollars at the primary race, thinking
(with fairly good reason, but framed here as arrogant and presumptuous --
who does he think he is, he can run for governor first time out of the
blocks with no prior electoral experience at all and win?) that he could
just buy second place in the top-two election. Toss in the cash, carry the
election. No need to earn your way from the bottom up by actually serving
in any elected office beforehand and paying your dues in governing

Either one of these guys will certainly lose to Brown (as long as Jerry
makes no mistakes, and at this age he's a pretty experienced and wily
politician, not mistake-prone at all by the track record of the last four
years, with a stint as Attorney General just before that). If I had to
choose between the two Reps to actually be Governor, Cash-and-Carry wins my
vote hands-down (Donnelly is an especially loony Tea Partier, really earns
that Mad Hatter image, kinda dangerous if he were to actually assume
office). But since neither has a realistic chance, I want the one on the
ballot that will do the most damage to the CA GOP systematically across the

That's Donnelly. So I want Cash-and-Carry to fail to catch Donnelly next
Tuesday, even with his millions of campaign self-funding.

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