I, too, lament the demise of the Rockridge Annex. However, I do appreciate the occasional thought provoking commentary. Keep it going!
From: rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com [mailto:rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 11:41 PM
To: Digest Recipients
Subject: [annex] Digest for rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com - 2 Messages in 1 Topic
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/rockridge-annex-temporary/topics
§ Digest for rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com - 1 Message in 1 Topic [2 Updates]
Marv Tripp <mt...@sbcglobal.net> Mar 06 04:10PM -0800
Hello Dano,
It appears you & I are the only contributors. How many others are recipients? Perhaps I will just add you to my e-mail network and abandon the Rockridge Annex. Sorry to see the demise of the Annex, a collection of like-minded folk. Your thots?
From: "rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com" <rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com>
To: Digest Recipients <rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 9:42 PM
Subject: [annex] Digest for rockridge-an...@googlegroups.com - 1 Message in 1 Topic
Today's Topic Summary
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/rockridge-annex-temporary/topics
* GOP addicted to Koch [1 Update]
GOP addicted to Koch
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dano <r...@munb.com> Mar 06 06:43PM -0800
It looks like there are still 151 members of this group (you can check on
the web page), I'm assuming most of those are still receiving email when
I find this a useful venue for posting stuff once in a while, even if
discussion is not that super-active. Especially, I'm still interested in
the use of language (and how the logic of language framing plays out) in
political discourse, not just progressive issues in general. To the extent
that people do see what is posted here, perhaps not only via email but also
finding posts on the web, I think it serves a purpose, if a relatively
modest one.
I don't mind so much that people tend not to reply. It's still an outlet
when I just gotta say *sumthin* and don't feel like subscribing to the
original sources in order to make comments in that context.
It's typical that only a small number of public list members actually post
anything. (Look up "power-law curve" on the web...) A list with 1000
members might only have a dozen or two regular participants, with a
smattering of others that post only rarely, and most lurk.
I don't view this as an empty room, just something of a smaller niche. It
does serve a unique purpose in my universe, however sporadic it might be,
so I think I'll stick around here for now.
At 4:10 PM -0800 3/6/14, Marv Tripp wrote:
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