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Marv Tripp

Sep 1, 2013, 7:22:41 PM9/1/13
to mt...@sbcglobal.net
Hello Citizens,
HISTORY.  Yep, it serves us.  From our adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq, we learned that our "can-do-nation" came up short in bringing stability to the near east.  Tribal warfare has been going on for centuries in the region.
Regarding the Libya issue, let's give Obama credit for not going forward with certainty on what to do.  There is no eminent threat to us and so he eschewed the bold certainty of the "great decider,"  George Bush.  Rather than a top-down decision, Obama has called for Congress to weigh in on the issue.   A different style from the previous administration.
The following piece was sent out in 2008.  it relates to style differences.
Marv Tripp,  Dec. 17, ‘08
On his radio broadcast recently, Thom Hartman had John Dean (one time Nixon legal advisor) as a guest.  Dean spoke of the Authoritarian Personality.  He said that somewhere around 20% of our population has this syndrome.  Let me describe that personality as I understand it from Dean’s description.
The Authoritarian Personality sounds much like “the strong father figure” as described by George Lakoff and others.  Such people fit quite comfortably within an authority structure where they are submissive to the designated leader in a hierarchical style (the individual will assert authority in his/her own personal position within the system).  Once a policy is decided, members fall into place and dissent and second thots are resisted. They carry out the policy or leave.  The leader can do no wrong (“Father knows best”).  Thus Nixon said ….”when the President does it, that means it is not illegal”  or George W. Bush who said “I am the decider.”   Among the followers, there is no gray; everything is black or white.   This explains why arrogance is typical and why they “rule”, not “govern.”
According to Dean, such people tend to migrate to the Republican Party.  Does this tell us why the rank-and-file readily enabled the top-down policies of the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Nordquist?  And why the nomination of Sarah Palin was not contested?
Authoritarian structures are found outside the political realm in territorial gangs of drug sellers, motorcycle gangs like the Hell’s Angels, the Mafia and of course, the Nazis.   Some religious institutions offer security in an authoritarian structure.
Having experienced the last 8 years of the Bush administration, enough of the populace developed a subconscious recognition of the authoritarian style being practiced.  Did that style work?  Apparently not, since a majority of the voters abandoned the Repub Party to vote for Obama. We know that Liberals & Independents question authority and will not be dictated to and a “set” policy will continue to be tested.  If the Obama team is successful in accomplishing its vision, it will be due to persuasion, not blind obedience.  The Repubs are now reassessing their positions so if the Dems screw up, folk may go running back to the Repubs.
For further on John Dean’s position on this topic, Google:  Legitimizing Authoritarian Conservatism.
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