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der from a live person over the phone. Just tell them you want access to the Nick's Notebook private gold deal.

To your wealth,

Nick Hodge
Founder & Editor 
Nick’s Notebook


Here’s how you can play them for fast, huge gains of 
200%, 426%, 832%, 
or more no matter how 
the price is moving... without touching
risky options, futures, bonds, or bullion...





Dear Reader,

Hi. My name is Gerardo Del Real.

And for the past decade, I’ve operated quietly behind the scenes in the gold and natural resource markets.

I’m on a first-name basis with all of the major players in this industry.

And I’ve been successfully leveraging my network of contacts to help my clients make money in the sector. Some of them have assets in the billions of dollars.

But I don’t sell gold coins or bars or anything like that. I’m not a bullion dealer, nor do I have any relationships with any dealers.

I don’t collect gold either. I’m NOT a “gold bug.” See, most of these people think that you can only make money when gold prices are rising.

But that’s simply not true.

I also like to make money on gold even when it's falling in price (my high-net worth investor clients do too.)

And I do exactly that by finding these little-known “glitches” in the gold markets.

Spot them, and you can make hundreds of percentage gains in very little time at all... even in bear markets.

Most “analysts” simply don’t know how to identify them. And most mainstream investors don’t have any clue that these “glitches” exist.

And you don’t need to touch any risky options, futures, bonds, or even the metal itself. All you have to do when you see the “glitch” is just grab shares of stock.

Here’s an example...

The year 2015 was a rough one for the resource markets. Gold prices plummeted 13%. And a lot of investors got burned.

But on January 9, the “glitch” appeared in a company called Claude Resources.

The stock jumped 138% in just four months, all while gold prices were plummeting.


Let me give you another example...

The year 2014 was also difficult for resource stocks. Gold was battered throughout the year, losing 2% in value.

But I found one of these gold market “glitches.” It appeared in a tiny exploration company called Nevada Sunrise.

By investing in the stock right after I spotted this “glitch” in January, it could have allowed you to make 832% in just six months on a single play.


That could have turned every $10,000 invested into $83,200.

And then it appeared again in February 2014 in a company called Balmoral Resources. As gold prices were beaten down, the stock ran up 189% over the next four months.


The “glitch” surfaced again in June in a tiny gold producer called Richmont Mines. The shares soared 198% in only six months.


And these “glitches” happen even in the worst years for gold prices.

Just take 2013 for instance...

A USA Today headline from 2013 proclaimed, “Gold has worst year since 1981.”

The yellow metal shed a whopping 28% of its value. Barrick, the $20 billion gold mining giant, lost 50% of its value, dropping to a 21-year low.

But the “glitch” appeared in Colorado Resources in April of that year. The shares soared 426% higher over the next three months.


On June 16, 2013, the “glitch” appeared again in a tiny gold exploration company in West Africa called Semafo.


Shares of the company ran up 200% over the following six months.

And all of these gains happened during the recent bear market in precious metals, which was the worst one in the past 40 years.

Now don’t get me wrong...

You can make money in the gold and resource markets by finding the very best companies and holding them for an extended period of time.

I’m talking about early-stage companies that have good assets, great exploration upside, a clear path to production, and multiple catalysts.

For instance, I found a company for my clients called Rare Element Resources. It was sitting on a great exploration property in Wyoming. And it had lots of exploration potential...

Shares of the company went up as much as 3,900% over the course of two years.

A $10,000 investment would have turned into $400,000 profits. That’s a pretty good haul by anyone’s measure.


But this is NOT the main reason why high-net worth investors seek me out for advice.

They pay me because I have a knack for spotting these “glitches” in the gold and natural resource markets... and then taking advantage of them for big, fast gains.

I’m talking about double- and triple-digit gains that you can bank in as little as a few weeks or a few months... whether the price of gold goes up or down...

Just like the 832% gains you could have captured on Nevada Sunrise in four months...

The 200% gains you could have pocketed on Semafo in six months...

The 426% gains on Colorado Resources in three months...

And more...

I’m constantly looking for them while most “analysts” follow the same old “go nowhere” blue-chip stocks.

But here’s the thing... I’ve found “glitches” that pay out even faster gains.

Let me give you an example...

Recently, the Federal Reserve announced that it plans to raise interest rates three times in 2017 due to the expectation of higher inflation and a tighter job market.

The writing is on the wall... the dollar will get stronger in the near term and in the short term gold has further downside.

As a result, a “glitch” was created in the market... one that helped us leverage this volatile gold situation in our favor...

Readers who followed my approach had the opportunity to capture gains of 50% on a single trade... in just five days.

Without using options... without touching futures... and without going into the currency markets.

The gains came through a simple trade you could’ve made in the stock market right through your regular brokerage account.

In short, while most investors were hoodwinked by the Fed, you could have banked a quick 50% profit.


Like I said, these are unique investment opportunities that allow you to capitalize on movements in the gold markets in the short term, regardless of the direction of prices.

But forget about buying risky options that can expire on you...

Forget about high-leveraged futures trading that can wipe you out overnight.

Forget about shorting stocks...

And forget about risking your money in the foreign exchange (FOREX) markets...

Because all of the plays I focus on are ones that you can make in your existing brokerage account. No special accounts needed.

This is my bread and butter.

I can tell you that most of the “analysts” out there aren’t doing this kind of intense work.

They aren’t taking advantage of short-term volatility to make easy money. Volatility in the price of gold can trigger these “glitches.”

But most analysts on Wall Street typically shy away from volatility.

But I don’t shy away from it because I know how to turn it into quick profits. This is what I live for.

These “analysts” are NOT watching 100-200 positions like I am on a daily basis.

And they certainly aren’t putting their money where their mouths are like I do.

I’m one of the few people in the world who actually puts my own money into the positions that I uncover... the same positions that I recommend to my own clients.

And I’ve been able to fund a multimillion-dollar real estate portfolio with the profits that I’ve made through my resource plays.

I own real estate in Alaska, Texas, and Mexico.

I’m a restless guy, which is why I like wide open spaces where I can stretch my legs.

But if you prefer a beach condo in Hawaii, or a penthouse in a city like New York or San Francisco, that’s all up to you.

This is your shot at defining your life the way you want to.

So let me give you the full details right now...

Minting Riches from “Glitches”

You won’t find these unique “glitches” by looking at a chart.

They’re invisible to the naked eye...

And I don’t have some wacky computer “system” that spits them out for me...

Spotting these “glitches” is the culmination of all of my experience in the resource markets, all of my boots-on-the-ground research, and my entire network of contacts that I’ve built up over my career...

They’ve helped me spin off profits almost at will no matter which way the market was headed... while most everyone else got crushed by every unexpected move the market threw at them.

Just imagine how it feels to have the edge over central bankers for once in your life... completely turning the tables and putting this strategy to work to live the life you deserve...

And that’s not even counting the money you can make during the next phase of the gold bull market...

So by all means, keep holding your long-term gold and silver stocks.

But also use this “edge” in the markets that helps you turn short-term moves into big profits.

Because the best part is that when you use this secret...

You could make money whether resource prices go up OR down!

Let me explain...

Last year we watched gold go on a spectacular run that paid off handsomely for investors who followed me into it. 

But I’ve also warned my readers we could see gold undergo a small correction and retrace in the coming months...

If they just sit in mining stocks, they’re going to leave profits on the table.

But for anyone using my unique approach, it means profiting in the short-term from the trend of lower gold prices.

That’s exactly what we did in the trade I showed you earlier where we took advantage of the interest rate hike announcement... which was bearish for gold.

But it created a “glitch” in the market that we took advantage of as the dollar got stronger in relation to gold.

Readers had the opportunity to bank a quick 50% in just five days.

Other times it could be that a resource company has pending drill results or some other near-term catalyst that could deliver a quick pop in share prices.

Or it could be that a high-quality junior gold mining stock gets unfairly oversold, perhaps on the heels of a news release or in a falling gold market.

That allows us to swoop in and pick up shares at bargain basement prices. And then ride it for quick gains as the stock “corrects.”

When things get “out of whack” in the gold markets, we’ll look to pounce on it. That, in a nutshell, is the “glitch” in the market.

By identifying these “glitches”, you could score huge gains even if the price of gold is falling...

Just like you could have with Balmoral Resources, where you could have banked 189% in a matter of four months.


Or Semafo, which gave you the opportunity to ride it for 200% gains in just six months.


Or Colorado Resources, where you could have grabbed 426% gains over three months.


And with the markets more volatile than ever these days, things get “out of whack” a lot.

President Trump is unlike any leader of the free world we’ve ever had. There will be a lot of unpredictability and volatility that will come from his presidency. That’s going to create a lot of opportunities to profit from “glitches” created by his policies and rhetoric.

You see, this program was designed to be successful whether the price of gold goes up or down, giving you the ultimate safe haven in precious metals.

Of course, taking a longer-term view, I believe the only direction gold can go is up, up, up.

If and when the Fed continues to raise interest rates and pops the bond market bubble... investors are going to come running into the one safe haven that’s represented real wealth over the last couple thousand years... GOLD.

And if the economy starts to recover... then the $7 trillion that central banks around the globe have pumped into the markets over the last five years is almost certainly going to kick off a massive wave of inflation... also sending gold prices soaring.

On top of that, emerging countries like China and India are buying up gold bars at unprecedented rates... and the price of mining gold continues to soar higher and higher.

The simple fact is... any way you look at it, gold is setting up for a monster run over the next few years.

But why not make money whether that happens sooner or later?

In fact, if gold undergoes a small correction like I think it will in the next few months, that doesn’t mean we have to sit on our hands.

We can take advantage of the short-term change in the trend. And we can do it by taking advantage of the “glitches” created by these situations.

And we don’t just have to do it with gold, either.

Let me give you another example of a “glitch” I found...

Uranium got hammered in 2016. Prices slid more than 41%, dropping to a 12-year low because of a supply glut.

But recently, there has been a resurgence in the beaten-down uranium markets as Kazakhstan, which is the biggest producer of uranium in the world, announced it would be cutting its production.

And I found an excellent way to get readers positioned for the coming move.

So I told readers to buy shares of a small uranium exploration company.

Those who listened to my recommendation had the chance to snag a quick 40% profit in just three short days.

My point is this...

Short-term changes in trends can create volatility in the prices of certain assets in the resource market.

By spotting these changes, and then getting ahead of them, you can make extraordinary profits. And you can do it very quickly... no matter where you are in the world.

And over the coming months, I see A LOT of volatility entering the markets, which will provide us with excellent short-term trading opportunities.

Let me explain why...

See, most investors only focus on the massive amount of debt that the United States has.

But the fact of the matter is that the debt situation is even worse in economies abroad.

Italy has the second highest debt in the Eurozone. Its economy is barely growing. And it presents the biggest threat to the extinction of the Euro.

In Spain and France, it would take nearly all the money generated by their economies in an entire year to equal their national debts. France’s economy has stagnated.

With the dollar getting stronger, it will hurt these economies even more as it makes paying down the debt they have in dollars much harder.

And there is a whopping $3 TRILLION that these economies have in dollar-denominated debt. This could trigger a wave of defaults like we’ve never seen before.

These situations will create a lot of volatility in the markets in the coming months as flight capital floods into safe havens like gold, the dollar, and other assets.

And nobody understands the ins and outs of profiting from these relationships in gold, silver, and the dollar like I do.

It’s why high-net worth clients have sought me out... instead of some high-flying hedge fund manager on Wall Street.

Make no mistake: This is the time when the best investors make a killing in the market while the amateurs wait for the talking heads on TV to tell them what to do.

My technique allows you to make money even when the price of gold is falling or moving sideways... by finding the “glitches” created by these moves in the market.

This is life-changing stuff...

It’s a whole new way of making money from gold and other resources.

But this strategy doesn’t rely on options at all.

It doesn’t involve shorting any stocks.

And it doesn’t involve risking your money in the foreign exchange (forex) market.

Even so, I believe this is the most powerful strategy you will ever find to profit from gold and other precious metals.

It is a true trading breakthrough... a technique that allows you to hedge against short-term volatility in gold.

I look for ways to play both sides of the opportunity.

That’s why this isn’t just about a strategy...

This is About a New Mindset

It’s about opening up a whole new world of creative trades, letting you profit from any of gold’s moves.

Because in the short term, there are a lot of things that cause gold to move one way or the other.

For example...

new-black-check-mark  It could be a rise in interest rates.

new-black-check-mark  Or it could be geopolitical events abroad or here at home (Think Brexit)

new-black-check-mark  It could be a country defaulting on its debt (Like Greece)

new-black-check-mark  Or it could even be a devaluation in another nation’s currency (In fact, I believe the Euro will be extinct within the next 10 years)

Well, in a sense, that’s what I’m tapping into with my unique approach.

I narrow down the outcomes of these effects which could make you the most money... with the least possible risk.

For some of you, this might seem too scary...

After all, it’s easy to stick with the old (though some might define doing the same thing over and over as insanity).

But I truly believe once you give this a try, you might never invest in the stock market the same way ever again.

My approach has been designed specifically for reliability, predictability, risk aversion, and speed.

And best of all, making a trade like this can be extremely easy. You can make these trades using any online brokerage account.

There’s no shorting any stocks... and no going into the futures or forex markets or anything complicated like that.

Here’s another example...

I already told you there’s been a major resurgence in the uranium space.

But to play it, you didn’t need to go into the futures market. Or anything complex like that.

You could’ve bought shares of Cameco, which is a major $5 billion uranium company.

And you could have made a quick 70% gain on Cameco in just two months.


This is the best and safest way to potentially profit from moves in gold and other resources including silver, uranium, and oil.

You just make the trade, bide your time, and then grab your gains.

You’ve never seen trading like this. I guarantee it.

This is your chance to get inside a technique normally reserved for billionaires.

The fact is, it doesn’t matter if gold goes up, down, or sideways. There is always a way to make money using my proprietary approach.

Let me tell you how it works...

Texas Man’s Secret to Exploiting 
“Glitches” in the Gold Market

As I mentioned, my name is Gerardo Del Real.

And I focus on gold and resource stocks... a sector that very few people have the time, energy, and connections to get involved with...

For more than a decade, I've been a private advisor to institutional and high-net worth investors.

This includes one notable billionaire who’s used my advice to make millions.

But even more importantly — he’s also used my advice to avoid disaster.

During one of our meetings I cautioned him about some of his positions, recommending that he sell immediately.

I saved him more than $8 million in potential losses when those stock positions plummeted on the conditions I predicted.

He used to joke that my favorite word is “no.”

It’s true... as much as I love to find a great opportunity, I’m inherently cautious.

That’s why I dig deeper.

I travel to far-flung locations. And I spend a lot of time staying in these remote locations all in the name of seeking out the best gold and resource opportunities.

I visit at least one site a month, trudging through the mud, physically inspecting the operation.


I interview the management and the board members. But I don’t do softball interviews. I ask the tough questions. I always take any concerns about debt or cash flow straight to the CFO.

After all these years, I’ve learned that there’s no replacement for walking around and inspecting things firsthand.

Do you think that’s something your broker would do for you?

I do the hard work that others are unwilling (or unable) to do.

Because a balance sheet doesn’t show you the rust, grime, or failing conditions...

And it also doesn’t show you the potential advantages, efficiencies, or untapped deposits.

It’s one thing to read about production problems in a report... and quite another thing to watch the process step-by-step with your own eyes.

For example, thanks to my wide vantage point, I was recently able to find an opportunity that delivered a 127% return in just five months.

I’ve also provided advice to several well-known newsletter writers over the years who have sought me out.

And I've always wanted to write one myself.

So I launched my newsletter last year to help everyday readers take advantage of this precious metals bull market, which is in its formative stages.

We’re Still In the Early Phases 
of a Monster Gold Bull Market...

The name of my newsletter is Resource Stock Digest Premium.

And the timing of its launch simply could not have been better...

Gold was coming out of the most brutal bear market in the past 40 years. And the price of the yellow metal soared 30% from late December of 2015 through early August of 2016.

But I gave my readers the chance to grab much bigger gains...

For instance:

A gold company I recommended went up 277% in eight months.

A minerals exploration and copper company I recommended jumped up 512%...

And I also pointed investors to a firm that supplies sulfate potash — that went up a whopping 627%...

As reader Mike H. wrote to tell me:

“Thanks for the great mining stock buying opportunities. Great work!”

He’s happy because he’s already seen a number of gains in just a few months.

And subscriber George F. told me:

“Thank you Mr. Del Real... thank you! The results have been amazing... since using your publication my portfolio has risen... to a rapidly advancing $110,000. The results have been amazing... This is truly a dream unfolding! Thank you for your publications based on hard work and something that today is hard to find... your HONESTY and INTEGRITY!”

I’m pleased that Mike, George, and other readers are making great money from the regular winners I recommend.

In a world where currencies are becoming more and more underwritten by debt instead of growth, real assets like gold and silver will become increasingly important for wealth preservation and accumulation.

As I told you earlier, gold is set for a monster bull run. It’s one that could last for five to ten years.

But I’ve also been telling my readers that before it happens, we will see one last leg down in metals prices.

As interest rates rise, the dollar will get stronger, which will hurt gold and silver prices in the short term.

But a stronger dollar will also put pressure on emerging economies that issued their debt in dollars. With the dollar rising, it makes the debt more expensive to pay back.

This is a huge problem since borrowers in these emerging markets have accumulated more than $3 TRILLION in dollar-denominated debt, according to the Bank for International Settlements data.

Defaults will begin to happen more frequently.

Bloomberg reported that investors are fleeing funds that focus on debt, yanking a record $6.6 billion from emerging market bonds.

Once money begins to rotate out of the global bond markets, it will begin to trickle into the precious metals space, igniting a new gold market the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

Make no mistake: We’re in store for a lot of volatility in the markets over the coming months.

The good news is that in the meantime, we can profit from this downside trend as well as any volatility... by finding and exploiting these “glitches.”

We can cash in on these moves right now, before the gold rally really starts rocking.

That’s why I created an entirely new service...

Unlike Anything You’ve 
Ever Seen Before

I call it The Resource Stock Digest TRADER.

Again, the key idea with my new service is to identify developing trends and then get ahead of them.

It doesn’t matter whether the gold market is rising or falling. So that means you have DOUBLE the opportunity to make money.

As I said earlier, I’m monitoring 200 positions on a daily basis. Sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less.

But I won’t be recommending currency trading in the FOREX. That’s just too risky. And completely unnecessary.

I’ll be recommending investments that are the most liquid... investments that trade on the NYSE and the NASDAQ. That way, we’ll have the ability to get in and out of trades quickly, for fast profits.

For instance, it could even be on a major company like Cameco, where you could have bagged a 70% profit in the span of two months.

Remember, if something gets “out of whack” in the resource markets, we’ll look to take advantage of it.

I’ll tell you everything you need to know to profit from these “glitches” on a predictable and regular basis.

You can make these trades using any online brokerage account.

I will also be recommending junior mining plays. But we won’t be looking to hold them for months like the plays in Resource Stock Digest Premium.

You see, sometimes a company in the space falls to such an attractive value that it is a screaming buy. The market serves up the gains for us on a silver platter.

Why does this happen?

It could be that shares of the stock got oversold, or somebody liquidated their position, or there was a news release about the company that investors overreacted to.

As I said, we’re looking for “glitches” in the market and then we’ll pounce on them for quick gains.

Other times, it could be that a company has pending drill results. Or some other very near-term catalyst that could cause a quick pop in the stock’s share price.

For that reason, these plays will be much faster moving than the plays I recommend in Resource Stock Digest Premium.

As you may know, a lot of these junior mining companies trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange or on the Over-the-Counter. But don’t worry.

It’s as easy as buying a stock on the New York Stock Exchange. It’s not hard. And I’ll show you exactly what to do and how to do it.

Chances are your broker may already deal with Canadian securities. Almost all of the large brokerages like E*Trade, Interactive, Scottrade, and Fidelity already do.

And keep in mind, I get no compensation for mentioning these brokerages. I only provide this information to help you.

So how do you get started? Well before I tell you, I should also mention something...

Is This Right For YOU?

If you are seeking a “complicated” strategy that involves writing options for covered calls, selling naked puts, etc., then this is probably not for you.

At the same time, if you want a “buy-and-hold” strategy based on dividend-paying stocks, mutual funds, etc. then this is not for you either.

In Resource Stock Digest TRADER, we’re looking to make quick-strike gains.

We could be in a trade for as little as three days, five days, or for as long as a few months.

So you’ll need to be more nimble than your average, run-of-the mill reader.

And you should expect between 4 to 10 trades a month. Sometimes more. But rarely fewer.

My system is designed to be simple, elegant — yet sophisticated.

It definitely is NOT for everyone.

So if you’re ready for a unique approach to making rapid-fire money in the precious metals space, here’s what I suggest you do...

Here’s Everything You’ll Get

Start a risk-free trial to my brand-new service, Resource Stock Digest Trader, today...

You’ll never have to worry about researching new trades or watching the stock tickers all day to check on your positions.

And you never have to worry about what the market’s next move is going to be.

Instead, I will scour the markets looking for the best trading ideas... and once I find one I’ll immediately send you an alert with instructions on how to get in. Then I will monitor each position 24 hours a day.

Every time I recommend to make a move you'll get a “BUY” or “SELL” alert sent instantly to your email inbox.

Each trade alert will include...

  • Why we're recommending the trade...

  • The name and ticker symbol of the stock we're buying or selling...

  • What you should pay for it...

And, if you decide the trade is right for you, what to say — word for word — to place the trade on the phone with your broker.

Of course, that’s just the beginning... You’ll also get:

  • The Resource Stock Digest Trader Monthly Recaps — At the end of each month, I will send you a full update on all of our open positions. Plus, I’ll tell you where I believe the markets are heading... and where I’ll be looking for opportunities to show you gains on future recommendations.

  • 24/7 Access to the Members Only Resource Stock Digest Trader Website — This is a private, members-only location where you can find all of my trade alerts, monthly recaps, all of my research and intelligence briefings, and access my entire portfolio.

  • The Resource Stock Digest Trader Concierge Service — When you become a member of this exclusive community, I’ve made sure you’ll get personal, white-glove treatment every step of the way. If you ever have any questions or concerns, just call our Customer Support staff any time between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. (EST). They'll be happy to assist you.

  • A 60-day No-Risk Trial — In short, you must be 100% satisfied with everything I provide... the trades, the research, the special reports... and you must be certain this is a SOLID investment... or simply call our offices within the first 60 days and receive 100% of your money back. Then, you can cancel any time thereafter for a pro-rated refund. All you have to do is click the button below right now...

So how much does a membership to Resource Stock Digest Trader cost?

Trading research of this caliber isn’t cheap.

I’ve spent the last decade earning top dollar from billionaires and high-net worth investors...

My Rolodex alone is worth its weight in gold.

In fact, every week on my website ResourceStockDigest.com, I interview a CEO from a junior mining company.

The list of CEOs there reads like a “Who’s Who” of the junior mining world.

That’s a true testament to the elite network of contacts that I’ve built up. I’m talking about people the average person simply doesn’t have access to.

Like I said, nobody knows what’s going on behind the scenes in the resource markets better than I do.

So I know that I could easily charge thousands of dollars for this unique research.

I recently encountered a similar trading service that charges $6,499 for a few picks and some industry information — I deliver more than twice that in value.

I work hard analyzing numbers and muddying my boots to deliver research you simply can’t find anywhere else.

But since this is a launch, I’ve decided on a price that’s a mere fraction of that figure.

Normally, I’d charge $5,000 for a full year of access to the Resource Stock Digest Trader

But that’s the regular price... not the special price I’m currently offering to you if you agree to become a charter member of Resource Stock Digest Trader today.

For you the price is even lower — $1,999 for a full year’s membership. 

That’s a 60% discount!

I think that’s an absolute bargain considering that you could easily pay off your entire membership on your first trade.

And I’ll be sending you anywhere from five to ten trades per month. Perhaps more...

Like I said, the greater the volatility there is in the markets, the bigger the "glitches" for us to take advantage of.

And over the coming months, I expect a LOT of volatility to enter the markets.

I will say, though, that this is a limited time offer. There are only a select number of charter membership slots available.

Once those fill up, the price will revert to the standard. No exceptions.

So if you’re interested in taking advantage of these unique situations for quick profits — I suggest you lock in your spot today.

I truly believe you'll soon agree with me that there's simply no better way to make extremely large gains on a regular basis... with less risk.

And remember my special promise to you:

I will give you a full 60 days to test-drive my research. Feel free to paper-trade my recommendations and kick the tires.

If you decide Resource Stock Digest Trader is not for you, simply let me know in the first 60 days by phone, and I'll return your every penny.

That's right — every single penny. No hassle. No questions asked.

So you have nothing to lose.

And you can keep everything I’ve sent you as my gift to you for giving my new service a try.

That's about as good as I can make it.

All you need to do to take advantage is click that “Subscribe Now” button right below...


Gerardo Del Real
Editor, Resource Stock Digest Trader

P.S. Remember, when you subscribe to Resource Stock Digest Trader right now, you do so for a full 60 days at zero risk...

PLUS, because this is the first time we’ve launched Resource Stock Digest Trader to the public, you can join for 60% OFF the regular membership rate.

Click below now to get started.


Dear Reader,

Saving for retirement these days can feel like you're being raked through the coals...

You save for years and years, only to see the value of your retirement account get slashed in half — and then get slashed again a few years later.

It seems like a vicious cycle that keeps repeating... with each drop more terrifying than the last.

The dreams you had of retiring in the next few years... playing golf every day... buying the boat you've had your eye on... all go up in smoke.

What if I told you there's a better way?

I'm talking about a way you can get all the money you'll need for a wealthy, independent retirement... and then some.

So let's say you wanted to retire by the end of the year...

Would you need $1 million? $3 million? Maybe $6 million?

Well, whatever your "magic" number is, I'm going to show YOU how to get there.

But don't worry. I'm not asking you to take part in some bank heist.

I'm not telling you to take up card counting.

This isn't some "system" for buying winning lottery tickets.

Nor does this have anything to do with tax "loopholes" or offshore bank accounts.

What I'm talking about is a way to stick it to the Establishment... to turn the table on the Wall Street fat cats that are screwing with your future.

It's a way to legally "steal" your early retirement from Wall Street... and all you'll need to put up is a measly $500 grubstake. So you don't need a lot of money to do this.

And no, this has nothing to do with any almost certainly illegal insider "tips."

You don't need any prior trading experience for what I'm about to show you.

As you're about to discover, regular people have amassed fortunes doing this — many of whom had never even bought a single investment before in their entire life.

And while this may feel like stealing, I can assure you it certainly is not. This is a completely legal strategy.

One that has turned regular Americans into multimillionaires... time and time again.

Americans like Anne Simpkins in New York City. She was an accountant living alone in a one-bedroom apartment, barely getting by.

But with what savings she could muster, Anne put up $5,000... and left her family with a $22 million fortune.  

Should you feel bad about making this kind of money?

Not at all. Wall Street and Washington certainly couldn't care less about your financial future. Or your family's, for that matter.

So let me give you the full details now...

Now, what I'm about to show you does NOT involve any day trading.

It does NOT involve options, ETFs, currencies, or any other tricky investments.

You don't need special accounts or secret "pass codes" to get started.

But before we go any further, I must issue a bit of a warning:

This Profit Ride is NOT for Everyone

Like every investment on earth, there is risk involved.

Nobody can predict the future with 100% accuracy. I don't have some crystal ball like other self-described "gurus" claim they do. So there is risk.

But on the flipside, the potential profits you could reel in are literally unlimited.

And here's the thing...

I've designed my system in such a way that virtually eliminates the downside risk. (So far, I've had all winners).

How is that possible? Let me explain...

First, I don't EVER recommend rolling all of your profits from one play into another.

Instead, what I recommend is after doubling your money, you put your initial investment right back into your savings.

So that way, you're ONLY playing with house money.

That's why I say this is kind of like stealing.

Because this cuts your risk to the bone, while at the same time allowing you to pull in a mountain of money from right under Wall Street's nose...

Free and clear!

Let me show you just how all of this is possible through an example...

Off We Go...

"Steal Your Early Retirement Blueprint" Step #1: When the markets opened up on February 11, 2015, just $500 would have bought you a significant portion of a tiny stock called Nation Energy Inc. (NEGY).

By February 25, NEGY had increased in price by 933%. That means if you had chosen to invest $500 in NEGY on February 11, you would have $5,665 sitting in your bank account just two weeks later.

That's not too shabby of a return for less than a month.

This is just the first step in turning $500 into over a million dollars.

But as I told you earlier, we want to protect ourselves from risk.

So before we move on to step two, let's take back that $500 we originally put up.

Go ahead and put it back in your pocket.

Now we're playing with just pure profit. So we've slashed our risk.

And that leaves us with $5,165.

"Steal Your Early Retirement Blueprint" Step #2: Between May 18 and May 21, shares of Hemacare Corporation (HEMA) rose by 120%.

If you took your $5,165 in profits from the first trade and got in and out of the second trade at the right time, you'd be looking at gains of $11,363.

Not bad for a handful of mouse clicks and a few months' "work."

"Steal Your Early Retirement Blueprint" Step #3: Then on May 26, we would have gotten the chance to re-buy Nation Energy Inc. (NEGY).

It was trading for $0.11 a share.

And on July 2, just one week later, shares jumped to $0.55!

So if you had invested your $11,363 from Step #2, the resulting gain would have put a hearty $56,815 in your pocket.

Looking at it another way, you'd be banking an average of $6,540 every day!

That's $272 per hour!

But now things are REALLY going to heat up...

"Steal Your Early Retirement Blueprint" Step #4: On July 20, you could have rolled your $56,815 profits into a little-known fitness company called Bollinger Industries (BOLL).

It was trading for just $0.51 a share.

But by July 24, shares were trading for $10.77!

That's enough to turn your $56,815 into $1,199,796!

Imagine becoming a millionaire from just four quick-fire trades!

Simple trades you can make from a computer with an Internet connection or your telephone.

What an amazing feeling it would be to see one million dollars in your bank account, and it’s all YOURS!

But keep your hands off, because we’re not done yet. There's one last step...

"Steal Your Early Retirement Blueprint" Step #5: In this day and age, a million bucks isn't exactly "retirement money." But what I'm about to show you next just might be...

If you reinvested that $1.2 million into Clean Coal Technologies (CCTC) on July 30, just two months later, you would have seen an increase of 425%.

That would have brought you to $6,298,929.

In other words, you'd be a retirement millionaire! That's $500 into more than $6.2 million in less than a year.

Now are you beginning to see how it's possible to "steal" your early retirement starting with just $500?

That's why I've given you this real-life example: because I want you to see the amazing potential this strategy has for you.

Now, I want you to ask yourself...

What Would YOU Do With $6.2 Million?

I invite you to think of all the possibilities...

Quit your job. Buy a Bentley. Heck, buy an island.

Because with that kind of dough at your disposal...

You can spend your retirement living like the filthy rich.

Buy the boat you had your eye on. In fact, buy three boats. Drink Dom Perignon. Eat caviar. Mingle with high society on million-dollar yachts.


Live out ALL of your wildest fantasies. 

And still have enough money leftover to leave a generous nest egg for your kin.

Just like Anne Simpkins, who I told you about earlier. She left her family $22 million!

Or donate the money to charitable causes close to your heart.

The choice is entirely yours.

Now THAT, my friend, is what I call TRUE FREEDOM.

Freedom from worries about market turmoil... freedom from worry about running out of money in retirement... freedom from worry about taking care of your loved ones.

So isn’t it about time you take the first step towards it?

And while you may think it's improbable you'd get this lucky, I want you to remember one thing...

It's happened before... it can happen again... 
and it can happen to YOU

Jake Studebaker is a real-life example of the "steal your early retirement blueprint" in action.

He was a dirt-poor 35-year-old man from Los Angeles. He was penniless. He had even lost his home.

But Jake's fortunes were about to change... BIG TIME.

His grandfather had recently passed away, and Jake inherited a handful of stock shares from him. He didn't know how much the shares were worth.

Jake knew nothing about the stock market except what he heard from the talking heads on the evening news.

But in dire need of money, Jake went into a brokerage office to sell the certificate and received $1,000 for it.

However, as he was sitting in the brokerage office awaiting his payout, he overheard a couple employees talking about some recent gains they’d made in the stock market.

One of them, in fact, bragged about making over $10,000 in a few days’ time.

Jake was intrigued. He wondered if he could do the same.

After studying the market for the next several months, Jake decided that he could make $1 million on his first 10 trades ever.  

It sounded absolutely crazy. Even idiotic.

But during his study, Jake stumbled across an investing secret...

It's the same potent secret that turned Anne Simpkins and Jim Blakely into millionaires, both of whom I told you about earlier.

So Jake took the $500 he got from the sale of his grandfather's stock and placed his very first trade ever on a company called Aries Ventures, Inc. It was trading for just $0.25 a share.

What Jake did in the next five weeks of trading was hard to believe. It astounded the brokerage office.

He more than doubled his money on his first trade. Then he reinvested almost all of his winnings into his next play.

And he kept doing that for each trade, rolling all profits from one play into the next.  

Jake's tenth trade was on a company called ABBL Corp. It was trading for just $0.87 a share.

After selling the position, Jake had made his million dollars — and more — in 10 trades... just like he’d planned.

An amazing feat, right?

Starting with only $500 and not putting in a SINGLE penny more, Jake "stole" his million-dollar retirement in just five weeks.

Imagine... a million bucks in just over a month.

As I said earlier, I wouldn't recommend rolling all your profits from one play into another.

But it’s easy to see that with a small amount of money, you too can become a millionaire thanks to this secret.

Now, before I show you how to get started, I have a small confession...

You Don't Even Need $500 
to Get Rich Off These Stocks

In fact, you could "steal" your retirement starting with $250 if you wanted...

As I said, there's no minimum investment required.

The real secret is to look in the right place.

For instance, a measly $250 investment in shares of the company behind Bowflex Inc. would have turned into $1.3 million in less than five years.  

And if you don't have five years to wait, you could have turned $250 into more than $14,000 in just five months if you'd owned Med-Cannabis Pharma, Inc. in the first half of 2014.

As you've probably noticed, these gains don't come from "go-nowhere" blue-chip stocks like Microsoft, Wal-Mart, or Exxon.

That's the key to the hidden profit potential in the little-known plays I just showed you.

Just remember, this is all completely legal.

As I mentioned before, I say it's like stealing because you're turning a little bit of money into a lot... without taking on big risks... and without having to wait for decades.

Why put off living the "good life" any longer than need be?

Haven't you waited long enough already?

You see, most people are missing out on the biggest gains... fast-moving plays happening every single day the markets are open.

But once you start pocketing these overlooked gains, you could be well on your way to an EARLY RETIREMENT!

Fact is that these are potentially the most explosive stocks on Wall Street, even though they remain a mystery to most investors...

But these stocks aren't a mystery to me.

Hi. My name is Alex Koyfman.


It’s considered impolite to discuss personal finances, but I’m not afraid to say that I’m quite comfortable with it... beyond comfortable, actually.

And like many successful people, I got there doing something I really enjoy.

To me, trading isn’t a job, a casual hobby, or another form of gambling.

It’s a passion — something I obsess over day in and day out.

And the fact that I take it seriously has paid off.

It all started with the very first trade I ever made when I was in my early 20s.

I took a long shot on what had once been a multibillion-dollar company just as its stock was crumbling in one of the biggest financial debacles of the early 2000s.

Everyone else ran, but I weighed the opportunity. When the time was right, I pulled the trigger.

I ended up turning several thousand dollars into a small fortune as the stock rebounded hundreds of percent from its lows.

The secret has proven so effective and consistent that in 2009, I decided to pursue stock trading full time.

Apart from running a 100,000-subscriber financial blog and doing some financial writing on the side, that's exactly how I live my life today.

You won’t find me on CNBC, CNN, or any other major television network, and I don’t plan on writing any books or doing any seminars (not that I haven’t been asked).

It’s just not my cup of tea.

I love to trade, and I love to invest; it’s what I do best, and it’s what I plan to continue doing.

Well, let’s just say I’ve made several high-powered contacts over my trading career, and one of them personally asked if I would join his team and help other folks make the same kinds of returns I’ve experienced.

I was pretty hesitant at first, but after several meetings and negotiation sessions, I finally agreed, and here I am today, coming to you from Angel Publishing.

And as promised, I'm here to share the REAL SECRET to financial freedom with you today.

The Secret to "Stealing" Your 
Million-Dollar Retirement... REVEALED!

As you probably figured out, the secret to "stealing" your early retirement involves penny stocks.

And I'll admit that many penny stocks are garbage. But I don't buy just any penny stock.

That's a risky game.

My technique is entirely different from anything you've likely seen.

There are no hunches. No guesswork. And I never act on hot tips or hyped-up emails.

In short, I hone in on tomorrow's big gainers with pinpoint accuracy — using my robust, rigorous, and completely proprietary screening process.

By doing this, I drill down and target a very specific "sub-niche" of penny stocks.

One that's almost always profitable... but is overlooked by 99% of investors.

It's a certain kind of penny stock that meets very specific criteria.

With just a few well-timed strikes based on the proper information, you could be touting yourself as the next retirement millionaire.

And you don’t need a boatload of cash to get started...

Turn Every $500 into $20,750

Unlike with other investment strategies, you can take advantage of penny stocks with as little as $50 out of pocket.

And that $50 can turn into stunning gains faster than you’d ever think possible.

For example, check out these gains from just this year:

  • Bravada Gold Corp. shot up 627% in just under a month

  • Maverick Minerals jumped 367%

  • North American Energy Resources skyrocketed 400%

  • Verso Paper went up 380% in just a few weeks

  • Canadian Tactical Training Academy zoomed up 1,977%

See what I mean?

With just $50 in any one of those companies, you’d have made anywhere from $183 to $1,038.

Pretty nice for "risking" just $50.

And if you’d started with, say, $500 into each of the companies I just listed... you’d be sitting on $20,750 in pure profit.

Better still, Wall Street can't get into these tiny stocks as easily as you and I can. In fact, for some money managers, it's FORBIDDEN!

This is because big investment firms can buy up millions of shares at a time... but if the company they buy into is a penny stock, then the share price flies through the roof with a big order.

This immediately cuts into their potential profits, so a penny stock just isn’t a sensible way to play the market when you’re a "big boy."

But they're great for little guys like you and me.

That makes it all the more easy for you to "steal" your retirement from this sector the "big boys" ignore.

Why This May Not Be Right For You

And because these are the market's most ignored stocks, many of them trade only a few thousand shares per day.

Big companies like Microsoft, for example, trade around 42 million shares per day. And Intel usually trades around 41 million shares per day.

All that trading and all those available shares mean share prices really don't move very much in a given day.

But a ton of activity in a tiny stock can sometimes send the share price jumping all over the place, up and down.

It's not uncommon to see these stocks jump 50% to 100% in a single day and 1,000% in a month.

None of the DOW industrial stocks such as IBM or General Electric have ever risen 1,000% in a month.

So you must be able to move fast on what I’ll show you. If you check your email only once every two weeks... then this is not for you.

If, on the other hand, you can check your email about once a day and be ready to act on my moves if you choose... then I believe you have what it takes to "steal" your early retirement.

And just because the share price is on the lower end doesn’t mean the company is risky or worthless.

It’s pretty common to find a penny stock company (a company with a market cap under $100 million) that’s flush with cash, has no debt, and is profiting on a regular basis.

Heck, there are even billion-dollar companies out there that are trading right now as penny stocks. Some even pay dividends.

And That's the BIG Takeaway Here...

For all of you who have been taught to tread lightly in this sector, trading penny stocks isn’t the Wild West show you’ve probably learned it was.

I mean, there are ALWAYS the next Microsofts, Apples, and Amazons lurking in the shadows.

In fact, ALL companies at some point or another exist as penny stocks.

You just have to know how to find these companies before they explode. You have to be able to separate the potential blockbusters from the duds.

Fact is, my revolutionary screening method, which I've spent years perfecting, lets me identify penny stocks that can hand you astounding gains no matter what the market does.

Since I went "public" with my unique approach just six months ago, I haven't closed out a single loser.

I've delivered my readers one winner right after another...

For gains of 96% in two months on MCW Energy Group... 64% in five months on BioMmune Technologies... 300% in six months on Dajin Resources... and more.

With profits like these quickly piling up, you could be on your way to "stealing" your retirement in no time flat.

Here’s how my screening process works...

5 Keys to Becoming the 
Next Retirement Millionaire

Over the course of my career, I’ve found that there are five ways to profit with penny stocks:

  1. Avoid the Dividends: Early-stage companies need to be reinvesting their cash... not doling out profits.

  2. Cash Reserves: This implies a healthy, stabilized debt-to-equity ratio. This means a company has the money to research and develop products, market itself, hire new staff, and buy new equipment. If the company is a body, the cash is the blood.

  3. Strong Profit Margins: A good profit margin isn’t essential, but it’s indicative of stability and future growth.

  4. Gross Margins of 50% or Better: This implies that the business model works and will continue to keep the company profitable moving forward.

  5. Tight Share Structure: Fewer shares for a small company means two things: First, individual shares will be valued higher and thus carry an appearance of stability. Second, positive news will have a stronger effect on trading volume as a percentage of total market capitalization. In short, good news will drive gains faster.

If you’re seeing a pattern here, it can be summed up in one word: stability.

Now, I realize stability isn’t something you typically associate with penny stocks. But it’s exactly this sort of stability that sets young companies up for the meteoric growth you dream of.

Apple would never have been able to develop its first commercially successful PC without this type of stability.

Google wouldn’t have had the liquidity to build its first data center, either.

So once you apply these keys to your approach, you’re already nine-tenths of the way to finding a great company.

The last 10%, though... that’s the hard part.

That’s where you need to be able to anticipate what has the potential to be big tomorrow as opposed to today.

Calling market trends is the one common thread through all of investing, and it matters here as much as anywhere.

In fact, it matters the most here because trends can swing stocks double-digit percentages in mere hours.

One stock I own did it just today.

But I can tell you this: Watching those green digits tick up NEVER gets old. It means money in the bank.

The good thing for you, however, is that you don’t need to know the ins and outs of the penny stock market in order to get rich.

Here’s why...

If you’ve never used a stock screener or you’re not familiar with the technical aspect of picking stocks, that’s fine.

Because I do ALL of the legwork for you.

That’s my job here at Angel Publishing. I pinpoint stocks like these on a regular basis.

So now that I’ve shown you how low-risk penny stocks can be, how I find the most explosive opportunities in the market, and how much money you could earn, it’s time I show you how you can start "stealing" your retirement today.

My Proprietary System 
Has Delivered 100% Winners

As I mentioned, I'm Alex Koyfman.

I'm NOT your typical investment "guru." I've never worked for a Wall Street bank or hedge fund. In fact, I routinely put most top hedge funds to shame.

I've been in the investment research business for almost two decades, starting out as a self-taught trader in my late teens.

I've traveled the world from Vancouver to Vladivostok, searching out investment opportunities few ever hear about.

I've traded on American, Canadian, European, and even Mongolian exchanges.

I count numerous members of the rarefied point-one percent among my friends and colleagues — which isn't something I often boast about...

But it's something you should expect from the person you go to for cutting-edge, informed investment strategies.

I was asked to join the Angel Publishing team because of my ability to find the most profitable penny stocks in the world.

So I came on board to publish a new advisory service called Penny Stock Millionaire.

This is where I reveal ALL of my profit opportunities, special updates, timely alerts, and anything else you need to know in order to get rich using penny stocks.

Perhaps more importantly, my research is 100% independent.

Companies don’t pay me to "pump" their stock. I’m not a member of any "old boys" clubs, and I’m in no one’s back pocket.

I answer to you. That’s it!

Few in my industry can say the same.

My only goal is to deliver my readers results because that’s the only way I stay in business, and so only the very best stock picks get by me and into my readers' inboxes...

Picks I believe could put you on the fast track to ultimate freedom and happiness.

So far, every trade I've closed out has been a winner. You could've banked gains of 64%... 59%... 61%... 96%... 300%... and more.

But don't worry — I just put the finishing touches on a brand new special report that details the very first company to kick-start your million-dollar retirement.psm-maximum-microcap-report

The report is called "Maximum Microcap: The Insider's Guide To The World's Fastest Growing Stocks."

In this special report, I detail a company that I believe is set to become the next major biotech breakout stock — just like the kind I listed earlier.

I won’t get into the full details right here because I’d like to send this report to you absolutely FREE of charge.

All you need to do is claim the report, and it’s yours... FREE.

The only thing I ask in exchange for this special report that details the next potential 500% penny stock is that you take a trial run of my research advisory service, Penny Stock Millionaire.

Once you do that, I’ll send you the FREE report I just told you about, "Maximum Microcap: The Insider's Guide To The World's Fastest Growing Stocks," AND you’ll have full membership privileges for the entire trial period.

The Best FREE Advice You'll Ever Get

You can probably tell from the name of the service, but Penny Stock Millionaire gives you the chance to pocket continual gains on the safest penny stocks in the market.

Not only that, but you’ll have a real chance at "stealing" your early retirement.

It’s your chance to grab an extra $50,000... $200,000... even $500,000 per year without putting up a lot of money... and without the hassle normally associated with penny stocks.

Subscribe today, and you could easily earn more in the next couple of months than most people do in an entire year of investing.

With your risk-free trial subscription, you will also be receiving:

  • Weekly Issues of Penny Stock Millionaire: You'll receive every copy by email, quickly and efficiently.

  • Real-Time Buy and Sell Alerts: In this fast-moving market, opportune buy and sell points can come at any time... and I make sure you receive them the moment they arrive.

  • Specific Entry, Exit, and Target Prices: You'll never have to guess if a stock is a good buy or not. I'll always give you specific entry points, sell prices, and realistic targets for our recommendations.

  • Complete Research for Every Recommendation: You'll always know exactly why I recommend a stock. You'll know what catalysts to expect and what hurdles to watch out for. That way, you can invest and profit with confidence.

  • Live Customer Service: If you ever have a question or concern about an issue or investment recommendation, please call one of our customer service agents Monday through Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (EST), and they'll answer your questions.

That’s a pretty full slate of benefits... And it's still not all.

In addition to the special report I've been talking about, "Maximum Microcap: The Insider's Guide To The World's Fastest Growing Stocks," you'll also be getting these bonus reports to ensure that your ability to profit is constant and consistent:

  • "Capturing the Ground Floor of the Sea Drone Industry" — We've seen the power of robotics in the air and on the ground. Now, this incredible technology is conquering the ocean's depths in what could become its greatest niche ever. See the company that's just beaten Lockheed Martin at just pennies on the dollar.
  • BONUS: "Penny Stock Quick-Start Guide" — Learn all the tricks and how to recognize all the pitfalls of the most lucrative kind of stock trading in existence with the "Penny Stock Quick-Start Guide."

You'll also have access to all of my archived reports.

It's a lot of material, and it opens the doors to enormous profit opportunities.

And remember: If anything happens that needs your attention immediately, like a major announcement or industry news, you'll get that alert in your inbox as soon as news breaks.

Of course, I’m sure you’re wondering by now how much it costs to become a member of Penny Stock Millionaire.

I know secrets and advice like this go for a pretty penny in some circles.

In fact, I personally know of services that cost up to $5,000 per year for similar information.

So I decided on a price that’s a mere fraction of that figure.

You can receive an entire year of Penny Stock Millionaire for just $999.

That breaks down to about $2.70 a day...

I consider that an absolute steal considering you could make that amount back with just a single penny stock play.

Try Me Out For 60 Days —
No Pressure

And of course, you’re 100% covered by my no-risk guarantee.

Become a member today, and you’re locked in with no risk and no obligation.

Take 60 days to decide if Penny Stock Millionaire is right for you. That’s a full two months.

During that time, you’ll have full membership access. You can log into the private member’s site, check out all the special reports, and view every update I've posted.

If you find Penny Stock Millionaire isn’t what you thought, just let me know, and I’ll refund every penny you spent on the subscription — no questions asked.

Any information, reports, or profits you received courtesy of my service are yours to keep.

You won’t find an opportunity like this very often... and with the amount of information I’m giving to you FREE of charge, taking a trial run of Penny Stock Millionaire is a no-brainer.

So if "stealing" your early retirement is something you're interested in, I suggest you lock in your spot today.

Simply click the "Subscribe Now" link below to get started...

Bad News

But please hurry...

Because if more than 1% of the people reading this invitation right now respond, I must take this presentation offline immediately.

Like I said, we’re dealing with the tiniest stocks on the market here.

Any big influx of readers can push up share prices and adversely affect your profit potential.

So I really must limit Penny Stock Millionaire membership.

If you’re late to respond to this invitation, your name goes on a wait list with potentially thousands of other readers... that’s why I urge you to subscribe right now if this is something you’re interested in.

It's really easy to do.

Simply click the button below that says "Subscribe Now," complete the secure invitation form, and you're in!

It takes seconds.

Remember... your opportunity for an early retirement could start immediately with my next play.

Don't put off living the "good life" any longer than you already have. Click here to get started.


Alex Koyfman Signature

Alex Koyfman
Investment Director, Penny Stock Millionaire

P.S. Because penny stocks can skyrocket overnight, I urge you to respond right now while it’s on your mind. If you miss out on a one-day gain of 50%, 100%, or more, you’ll kick yourself. So click below now to get started...


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