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Feb 21, 2014, 1:24:51 PM2/21/14
I've been promoting the RocWiki wherever I can on r/Rochester and have begun the practice of posting our BSOM there for greater visibility. At the moment, I feel we're very passive in that we just kind of exist and expect contributors and readers to come along on their own. I think not only should we be active on Twitter (if anyone has the password, please send it to me) but we should have a Facebook page as well to update the community on RocWiki news and do activities to promote our articles, like a Flashback Friday wherein we post an article about Rochester history or a popular business that is now GBNF. Many area non-profits, community organizations, city and county offices, and neighborhood associations have Facebook pages and we can connect with them as well. This will raise our profile in local consciousness and show people that we are a cool, dynamic resource that needs community support.

What say you?

Pete B

Feb 21, 2014, 3:27:22 PM2/21/14
to EileenF,
We've had a FB page forever....Thought we had a twitter acct. If you want go ahead and set one up. Honestly I don't have the time to handle either right now

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:24 PM, EileenF <> wrote:
I've been promoting the RocWiki wherever I can on r/Rochester and have begun the practice of posting our BSOM there for greater visibility. At the moment, I feel we're very passive in that we just kind of exist and expect contributors and readers to come along on their own. I think not only should we be active on Twitter (if anyone has the password, please send it to me) but we should have a Facebook page as well to update the community on RocWiki news and do activities to promote our articles, like a Flashback Friday wherein we post an article about Rochester history or a popular business that is now GBNF. Many area non-profits, community organizations, city and county offices, and neighborhood associations have Facebook pages and we can connect with them as well. This will raise our profile in local consciousness and show people that we are a cool, dynamic resource that needs community support.

What say you?

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Eileen Fay

Feb 21, 2014, 8:07:35 PM2/21/14
to Pete B,
I mean a real page, like organizations and businesses have, not a group page.

Pete B

Feb 21, 2014, 10:30:59 PM2/21/14
to Eileen Fay,
Go ahead and make one if you'd like... :)
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