Thoughts on a PDF diff library for Robot Framework

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Jul 21, 2012, 3:05:39 AM7/21/12
I came across this diff library just today

made me think it sure would be nice to get PDF diff library (separate or integrated with that library). And by PDF diff, I don't mean just a binary or text diff of PDF files, but rather a complete diff of the text and image/layout of PDFs.

PDF diff could be using Python (or Java, Jython) code, or using external executables. For the latter case, this tool is the best I've come across:

with this being the next best option:

Only problem is the diff-pdf Windows binary may have issues and it's a pain to compile on Linux and Mac (at least for me). Would be interesting if someone could wrap this all up into single install process that takes care of dependencies, and use precompiled binaries for Windows case. Then we'd have some interesting PDF diffing with Robot Framework.
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