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Robot Framework 7.0 beta 1 has been released!

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Pekka Klärck

Dec 15, 2023, 6:38:24 PM12/15/23
to robotframework-users
Hi all,

The most important feature in the beta compared to the previous
alphas, and the most important feature in RF 7.0 in general, is the
enhanced listener interface. Listeners aren’t typically used directly
by normal Robot Framework users, but there are a lot of tools that use
them internally. The new enhancements make it possible to create even
more powerful and interesting tools in the future. For more details
about the listener enhancements and other new features see the release

We are now getting close to the final release. There’s only one issue
under development and we hope to have the first release candidate out
next week. The final release is planned for early January.

I want to thank everyone who has tested the earlier alphas, reported
problems, and provided valuable feedback. Now that the final release
is getting close, I hope even more people test the beta or latest the
release candidate in their environments. This is especially important
if you have custom tools or libraries, but just running normal tests
to see if there are any surprises is a good idea.

Agile Tester/Developer/Consultant ::
Lead Developer of Robot Framework ::
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