Using https with Chrome in headless mode fails to load page

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Geist Eng

Sep 10, 2017, 2:19:13 AM9/10/17
to robotframework-users

I have just starting testing with Chrome in headless mode.  Works fine except in one case when I switch in the test run from using http to accessing the DUT with https:
  • previous suite ends
  • next suite setup runs
    • close browser that was in headless mode
    • set login to https
    • create chrome web driver options object with settings including headless mode
    • create web driver
    • go to https url
    • wait until visible: login button 
GUI never loads, even after 1 minute. On failure screen shot shows this.  Very repeatable.
If I disable headless mode code works fine.

Test rig versions:
  • Linux 4.4.0-93-generic #116-Ubuntu SMP x86_64
  • Python 2.7.12
  • Robot Framework 3.0 (Python 2.7.12 on linux2)
  • Selenium 2.53.1
  • Google Chrome 60.0.3112.113 
  • ChromeDriver 2.32.498513 (2c63aa53b2c658de596ed550eb5267ec5967b351)
For reference here is the RF code to open Chrome:

Open Chrome Browser to Page
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Opens Google Chrome to a given web page using Create Webdriver so
| | ... | arguments can be passed to webdriver in the form of capabilities.
| | ... | For more information on what capabilities that Google Chrome
| | ... | supports, see [] and
| | [Arguments] | ${url} |
| | ${ws}= | Set Variable | window-size=1050,800 |
| | ${chrome_options}= | Evaluate | sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() | sys |
| | Call Method | ${chrome_options} | add_argument | disable-infobars          |
| | Call Method | ${chrome_options} | add_argument | test-type                 |
| | Call Method | ${chrome_options} | add_argument | disable-extensions        |
| | Call Method | ${chrome_options} | add_argument | ignore-certificate-errors |
| | Call Method | ${chrome_options} | add_argument | ${ws} |
| | Run Keyword If | ${USE CHROME HEADLESS} |
| | ... | Call Method | ${chrome_options} | add_argument | headless |
| | Create Webdriver | Chrome | chrome_options=${chrome_options} |
| | Go To | ${url} |
| | Wait Until Element Is Visible | id=header-loginout | timeout=${TIMEOUT} |

The failure comes on the Wait Until Element Is Visible since the page never loads. TIMEOUT for this DUT is 60 secs.

The DUT is an embedded system that takes a few secs to calculate the keys needed for https access. So when successful the Go To kw takes several secs to complete.  On failure the kw returns success in under 0.5 secs everytime:

Pass log:

KEYWORD Selenium2Library . Go To ${url}

Navigates the active browser instance to the provided URL.

Start / End / Elapsed:20170909 22:45:41.357 / 20170909 22:45:48.112 / 00:00:06.755
22:45:41.358INFOOpening url ''
22:45:41.358DEBUGPOST {"url": "", "sessionId": "5211a8c017eed044108e62411ef3e6d4"}

Fail log:


Navigates the active browser instance to the provided URL.

Start / End / Elapsed:20170909 07:44:17.393 / 20170909 07:44:17.776 / 00:00:00.383
07:44:17.394INFOOpening url ''
07:44:17.394DEBUGPOST {"url": "", "sessionId": "ad8f0e0b1bf2a491c9cb00194d8ac85c"}
07:44:17.776DEBUGFinished Request
DEBUGFinished Request

Geist Eng

Sep 10, 2017, 3:00:04 AM9/10/17
Well it looks like a Chrome web driver issue (or a GCE on my part) as I tested this directly in Selenium with python bindings and get the same behavior:  http works fine but https returns right away and then the wait fails.


using Chrome headless mode
open browser to
find login button
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 67, in <module>
  File "./", line 49, in open_web_ui
    loginElement = driver.find_element_by_id('header-loginout')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 266, in find_element_by_id
    return self.find_element(by=By.ID, value=id_)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 744, in find_element
    {'using': by, 'value': value})['value']
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 233, in execute
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/", line 194, in check_response
    raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"id","selector":"header-loginout"}
  (Session info: headless chrome=60.0.3112.113)
  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.32.498513 (2c63aa53b2c658de596ed550eb5267ec5967b351),platform=Linux 4.4.0-93-generic x86_64)


from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
from import WebDriverWait # available since 2.4.0
from import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

# DUT info
g_user = 'admin'
g_pw = 'admin'

# global selenium objects
wait = None
driver = None

# flow control
wait_timeout = 20
use_headless = True

def open_web_ui():
    global driver
    global wait
    # Create a new instance of the web driver
    chrome_options = Options()
    if use_headless:
        print 'using Chrome headless mode'
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)

    # Open DUT web page
    print 'open browser to {}'.format(g_dut)

    # Wait until element is visable
    wait = WebDriverWait(driver, wait_timeout)
    print 'find login button'
    loginElement = driver.find_element_by_id('header-loginout')
    loginElement = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, 'header-loginout')))

def close_web_ui():
    print 'close browser'

print 'pause a few secs before closing'

Tatu Aalto

Sep 10, 2017, 3:36:18 AM9/10/17
to, robotframework-users

It would be great to raise an issue to the Selenium issue tracker[1], if there is not an issue about this already.

Send from my mobile

On Sep 10, 2017 10:00, "Geist Eng" <> wrote:
Well it looks like a Chrome web driver issue (or a GCE on my part) as I tested this directly in Selenium with python bindings and get the same behavior:  http works fine bug https returns right away and then the wait fails.

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Hélio Guilherme

Sep 10, 2017, 8:59:04 AM9/10/17
to robotframework-users
Please note that he is using Selenium 2.53.1, I don't think they still support it.
Why not using Selenium 3.5.1?

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Geist Eng

Sep 10, 2017, 5:35:38 PM9/10/17
to robotframework-users
I have started a thread on the Chrome webdriver users group to get feedback.  I have not checked the issue in the bug tracking system.  I will open a ticket if one does not exist.

I noticed the other day I was way behind on versions for selenium and wanted to upgrade when I could.  So this issue prompted me to setup a vir env and tested again.

Not surprising, since I suspected the issue was in the driver, which I am using the latest, and not the python bindings of selenium, the issue is seen in the latest versions:
  • Linux 4.4.0-93-generic #116-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 11 21:17:51 UTC 2017 x86_64
  • Python 2.7.12
  • Robot Framework 3.0.2 (Python 2.7.12 on linux2)
  • Selenium 3.4.3
  • Requests 2.18.4
  • EasySNMP Version: 0.2.5
  • Poster Version: 0.8.1
  • Google Chrome 61.0.3163.79 
  • ChromeDriver 2.32.498513 (2c63aa53b2c658de596ed550eb5267ec5967b351)
But it was worth the try.

(Note: pip installs Selenium 3.4.3 during install of robotframework-selenium2library.)

Hélio Guilherme

Sep 10, 2017, 6:18:39 PM9/10/17
to robotframework-users
Thanks for clearing that out. One can never tell if old versions cause problems.
In this case, Chrome Headless is a new feature (I think it is still experimental).

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