> Im always the odd one out using .net for remote libraries :-)
> For .net the most common xml-rpc library in use doesn't de-serialise xml-rpc
> structs to .net Dictionary types but instead de-serialises them to c# struct
> types
C# has a dictionary type, right? An XML-RPC module not using it sounds
like a _really_ strange design decision. Have you looked are there
other .NET XML-RPC modules that would work more sanely in this regard?
> Hence why if i could dictionaries get back/forth to .net as json strings id
> avoid that problem, as i could de-serialise the string myself (outside of
> above library)
I see. You obviously can implement custom solutions that mitigate this
problem, but I don't want to change Remote interface itself to
workaround problems caused by some XML-RPC implementation.
> As for a new JSON library... sure why not, i guess as a new standard library
> would mean could be added to in the future
> For me only requirement would be
> Convert To Json <variable> -- returns a string
> Create From Json <string> -- returns a dict
If the library would only have these keywords, I think it would be
better to just add them to Collections. Its keywords would most likely
be used to manipulate the JSON structure. Separate library for JSON
would make sense only if there would be more JSON only related