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How to enter into gmail account?

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Asher Ashutosh

Feb 7, 2024, 5:36:00 PM2/7/24
to robotframework-users
Hello There,

How can I enter in to gmail account of mine using Robot Framwork and then select the checkboxes for the email and delete the emails. 

Right now I am not able to enter into the gmail account as gmail is blocking me. I can only enter the email and click on the next button. After that it is blocking me. 

Please Let me know if there is a way for that. 

Julio Lemus

Apr 2, 2024, 2:37:42 AM4/2/24
to, robotframework-users
Using robotframework-imaplibrary and Verification 2 steps in your Gmail account.

Saludos cordiales

Julio Isaías Lemus López
Ingeniero en Ciencias y Sistemas
Teléfono: (502) 5602 5000

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Julio Lemus

Apr 2, 2024, 2:40:20 AM4/2/24
to, robotframework-users
Sorry, this other library:

Saludos cordiales

Julio Isaías Lemus López
Ingeniero en Ciencias y Sistemas
Teléfono: (502) 5602 5000

Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piense bien si es necesario hacerlo: El medio ambiente es cuestión de todos.

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