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Convert html RIDE test suits to txt format?

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Björn Åhmark

Dec 30, 2010, 3:51:35 AM12/30/10
to robotframework-users
I have a test suit created with RIDE in html format that I should like
to convert to txt format (which is the default format fot new test
suits since RIDE 0.30) in order to make it easier to diff/merge test
suits, but I have so far not figured out an easy way to do it. Is
there a easy way to do it since there are no "Save as" feature in RIDE?

Pekka Klärck

Dec 30, 2010, 4:37:39 AM12/30/10
to, robotframework-users
2010/12/30 Björn Åhmark <>:

> I have a test suit created with RIDE in html format that I should like
> to convert to txt format (which is the default format fot new test
> suits since RIDE 0.30) in order to make it easier to diff/merge test
> suits,

Yeah, plain text format is much better in this regard. It also takes
less space and is faster to parse.

> but I have so far not figured out an easy way to do it. Is
> there a easy way to do it since there are no "Save as" feature in RIDE?

You can right click the suite in the tree and should find `Change
Format` or something similar from the context menu. Clicking a
directory suite allows you to change format recursively. Having `Save
As` functionality that allows changing the format would be great too.

Agile Tester/Developer/Consultant ::
Lead Developer of Robot Framework ::

Bj?rn ?hmark

Dec 30, 2010, 5:24:05 AM12/30/10
Thanks! I succeeded to convert a test suit from html format to txt format. 

It should be nice to have the option to keep the old html version (it will anyway be "recovered" as soon as an update is made with the version control system) and as said before a "Save as" feature should be appreciated.
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