Incorrect topic datatype via JSON

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Edan W

Aug 8, 2017, 5:32:29 AM8/8/17
to Robot Web Tools
I'm having trouble receiving messages sent via websockets through ros_bridge. I'm not using roslibjs, but rather a native websocket module for VueJS framework.

I'm able to receive messages published on topics with std_msgs/String as "type", but not when another data type is required, eg:

[INFO] [1502181835.798799]: Client connected.  1 clients total.
[ERROR] [1502181837.830665]: [Client 5] subscribe: Tried to register topic /darknet_ros/BoundingBoxes with type std_msgs/String but it is already established with type darknet_ros_msgs/BoundingBox

And when using darknet_ros/BoundingBoxes type, I successfully subscribe, but no messages come.

[INFO] [1502181795.039777]: [Client 4] Subscribed to /darknet_ros/BoundingBoxes

Any suggestions how to convert to std_msgs/String ?


Jihoon Lee

Aug 9, 2017, 5:11:45 AM8/9/17
It is hard to tell what configuration is wrong with given information. Can you provide more information how you setup the client side(e.g javascript code) and server side(e.g data format and which node sends what)?

Note that rosbridge is able to stream any type of message as long as the msg is is available in ROS and JSON format is wrong. So, I would say you have to check the configuration first instead of converting data format.


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