Is there a reference for exactly what this subset is? I.e, which parts of Robolectric are not (yet?) exposed through AndroidX Test.
For example, a developer is reporting that these APIs exist in Robolectric, but not in AndroidX: MediaPlayer, MediaController, MediaRecorder, Parcel, Settings, TelephonyManager, WifiManager, ProgressBar, AlertDialog, ApplicationPackageManager, AudioManager, AudioRecord, Notification, CameraManager, ContentProvider, KeyguardManager, Looper, BatteryManager, Binder, BluetoothAdapter, BroadcastReceiver, AccessibilityManager, AccessibilityService, AccountManager, AlarmManager, BackupManager, BiometricManager, Dialog, DownloadManager, DisplayManager, GLES20, IntentService, LinearLayout, Messenger, Network
I would just like to know if that's correct, and we should still be using Robolectric for this type of thing, or if we've gone down a wrong path, and there are AndroidX equivalents we should be using.
Thank you.