When working with textured outlines, It would be helpful to select a range of points in-between two selected points. For instance, you may have a virtually straight line that you need to select and move. However, this line if broken up by many points creating the rough texture. It becomes tedious to select each point along this path in order to modify it. It'd be great if you could just select the begining point and the ending point and run a script to select all the points between them.
with my limited python and RoboFab knowledge I was unable to get very far. My problem is not knowing how to reference points that aren't selected.
the beginning of my script:
from robofab.world import CurrentGlyph
for contour in glyph.contours:
for point in contour.points:
This builds a list of the selected points.
[<RPoint for unnamed_font.N[1][2]>, <RPoint for unnamed_font.N[1][14]>]
What I need to do is get the range between these two points (…N[1][3], …N[1][4], …N[1][5], …N[1][6], etc…) and add these to the list then do:
I just don't know how to get those un-selected points.
Any help would be much appreciated.