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"Beaming" RFont/RGlyph between two "worlds"?

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Adam Twardoch (List)

Oct 2, 2015, 10:35:46 PM10/2/15

I'd like to ask: let's say I have access to two RoboFab worlds in an environment -- for example, I'm in RoboFont and I import the fontforge module.

I load a font via the fontforge module, and I get an RFont (or an RGlyph) from the fontforge world. Now I'd like to transfer that fontforge world RFont or RGlyph to a RoboFont world RFont or RGlyph. Is this possible at all on the object level?

I guess this is similar to opening a font in a NoneLab world and trying to move it to a FontLab world. Or, let's say I'm in Glyphs and I somehow import the RoboFont environment into it.

Is physically saving to a disk UFO in one world and reading the UFO in another the only option? I guess for glyphs I could use pens. But what about an RFont?


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