Nuke in a non-Arbotix context?

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Joel Dillon

Mar 11, 2010, 11:56:02 AM3/11/10
to robocontroller
I've got a Bioloid Comprehensive Kit, assembled as a King Spider, and
a USB2Dynamixel. I'm interested, eventually, in having a hexapod with
a Fit-PC2 on it as a controller; in the meantime I'm controlling it
via a Linux PC and USB cable.

Nuke looks very interesting, but I'm not especially interested in
using an arbotix. How much of a challenge is it likely to be to modify
Nuke's output to incorporate into a Linux program? The talk of
capturing poses in particular concerns me since I don't know how that
would work without an arbotix.


Mar 11, 2010, 3:12:01 PM3/11/10
to robocontroller
Originally, I intended to support the USB2Dynamixel as an alternate
pose/capture device -- however, we've found that often doesn't work
well. The issue is opening a port at 1MBps in Python, fails on many

The python interface also only does some very basic capture/pose, and
the most basic of the IK -- there's no gait engine on the python side,
you'd have to port a number of items back from C.



Mar 11, 2010, 3:20:02 PM3/11/10
to robocontroller
I should also point out, the Python side code is very slow -- it's not
optimized at all, because we have to make it so universal. The
exported C code for the ArbotiX is quite optimized however.

Why exactly are you "not especially interested" in the ArbotiX?
Because you have a USB2Dynamixel? I've recently been designing a
rebuild of my bot, Issy, that would be FitPC powered (but he won't get
built until after Mech Warfare next month). I'm intending to have an
ArbotiX on there, because I can offload the IK computation (just send
X,Y, and rotation speed), and also use the ArbotiX to interface to
sensors. Are you planning to put any sensory on your bot?


Joel Dillon

Mar 11, 2010, 3:40:37 PM3/11/10
to robocontroller
On Mar 11, 3:20 pm, Fergy <> wrote:
> Why exactly are you "not especially interested" in the ArbotiX?
> Because you have a USB2Dynamixel? I've recently been designing a
> rebuild of my bot, Issy, that would be FitPC powered (but he won't get
> built until after Mech Warfare next month). I'm intending to have an
> ArbotiX on there, because I can offload the IK computation (just send
> X,Y, and rotation speed), and also use the ArbotiX to interface to
> sensors. Are you planning to put any sensory on your bot?

Pretty much, yes. If I've already got a full-power PC on there then
the only reason
to add a microcontroller would be to add analogue sensors. I suppose
that might
be a reason to add an ArbotiX, but I don't have one at the moment and
I wouldn't
be using most of the functionality (motor drivers, servo headers and
so on) so it
seems a bit of a waste.

At the moment, though, I'm mostly messing around with machine vision,
I'm doing with a couple of USB webcams that go into a PC.

It's mostly the generated C code I care about; I'd be trying to port
that to Linux.
The Python stuff, I'm only worried about insofar as I can get it to
generate that code
without an ArbotiX to talk to. I should probably also mention that I'm
with C/C++ stuff (it's my day job) but I've never really messed about
with Python.

Joel Dillon

May 3, 2010, 12:22:36 PM5/3/10
to robocontroller
Ok, after spending lots of time trying to make things work, I finally
broke down and bought an ArbotiX. :)

I note that
says that release 0013 will fix some problems with hexapods - but that
doesn't seem to be available for download yet? Am I signing up for
frustration if I try and use the current release for a hex?
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