[UPDATE] Android color blob detection app

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Paul Danset

Jun 8, 2012, 5:44:26 AM6/8/12
to Robo-Magellan Project
FYI I tried to upload a new version of the Cyclops app on Dropbox, but got an "over quota" error even after deleting the old apk file.  I guess we need to do a little house cleaning ...

New features of Cyclops:
  • about twice the performance (~5-6 Hz) of the previous version by internally subsampling the image
  • works with or without someone listening on port 1137.  so you can use it as a standalone app again.

Budi Mulyo

Jun 8, 2012, 1:46:39 PM6/8/12
to Robo-Magellan Project on behalf of pd
Nice progress Paul. I've deleted some files and folders to free up the dropbox (57.9% of 3.8GB used). Try it.

Best wishes,,

Budi Mulyo
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Paul Danset

Jun 8, 2012, 3:07:17 PM6/8/12
to Robo-Magellan Project on behalf of Budi Mulyo
Thanks Budi.  I was able to upload the Cyclops app here:

BTW, I have your pocket flashlight.  I had forgotten I put it in my pocket.   Sorry.  Will return it the next time we meet.
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