Watch Mars Curiosity's landing live

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Budi Mulyo

Aug 5, 2012, 11:27:56 PM8/5/12
to da Vinci, Robo-Magellan Project
Rover Curiosity just hours from Mars. 
Watch Mars Curiosity's landing live: NASA TV

Best wishes,

Budi Mulyo
Jigsaw Renaissance is a learning and making community, a collaborative community dedicated to collective education and creation.

For more information about JR 
( visit our wiki page at or this page.

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Pat Tressel

Aug 6, 2012, 4:24:51 AM8/6/12
to, Robo-Magellan Project
Rover Curiosity just hours from Mars. 
Watch Mars Curiosity's landing live: NASA TV

Just got back from the Curiosity landing party at the Museum of Flight...woo hoo!!!

Several NASA/JPL folks were there, so I asked if there was info on how Curiosity does obstacle avoidance -- there is, on the JPL website.  Will post when I find it...  Briefly, they have a laser rangefinder, but also do visual object detection.  However, they have a map accurate down to *5cm*, and Curiosity can easily go over objects much larger than that, which renders obstacle *detection* somewhat moot.  Also no small children running into its path...

There should be more pictures now, from the second Odyssey pass.  Also should be another press conference.  Haven't found that online yet.

-- Pat

Budi Mulyo

Aug 6, 2012, 4:07:57 PM8/6/12
to, Robo-Magellan Project
I was at the Wayward Coffee House on Roosevelt Way with 50 other nerds watching the successful landing. What an awesome groundbreaking moment  for humanity to be able to create a time dilation machine. :-)

Best wishes,

Budi Mulyo
Jigsaw Renaissance is a learning and making community, a collaborative community dedicated to collective education and creation.

For more information about JR 
( visit our wiki page at or this page.

Contact us, so we can chat about scheduling something cool together.

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