Error When Attempting Mesh Generation on Mac

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Iversen, Kevin D.

Sep 21, 2023, 10:04:54 AM9/21/23
to roast-users
Hello, I've been experiencing a consistent issue when attempting mesh generation for ROAST, this problem has been experienced both on experimental data, and on roasts example data (ny head). 

When I get to stage 4 the mesh is unable to segment, and I am unable to proceed to the later steps as a result. I am running this on a Mac computer (Ventura 13.5), on MATLAb version 2022a, and the most recent version of ROAST (v3.0). 

I believe that the issue lies within iso2mesh in some capacity, but experience this issue both before and  after having upgraded is2mesh from version 1.8.0 to v.1.9.0

The Issue is as Follows:

creating surface and tetrahedral mesh from a multi-domain volume ...
/bin/bash: /Users/kiversen/MATLAB/roast-master/lib/iso2mesh/bin/cgalmesh.mexmaci64: Permission denied
Error using cgalv2m
output file was not found, failure was encountered when running command: \n"/Users/kiversen/MATLAB/roast-master/lib/iso2mesh/bin/cgalmesh.mexmaci64"
"/private/var/folders/qg/xrylmzq53qzdf8q8k61s3rm4xzq3tf/T/iso2mesh-kiversen/post_cgalmesh.mesh" 30.000000 5.000000 0.300000 3.000000 10.000000 1648335518

Error in meshByIso2mesh (line 64)
[node,elem,face] = cgalv2m(allMask,opt,opt.maxvol);

Error in roast (line 829)
    [node,elem,face] = meshByIso2mesh(subj,subjRasRSPD,T2,meshOpt,hdrInfo,uniqueTag);

Error in untitled2 (line 2)
roast(file_path, {'F4',2,'F3',-2}, 'electype',{'pad', 'pad'}, 'elecSize',{[70 50 3],[70 50 3]}, 'capType', '1020')

Yu (Andy) Huang

Sep 22, 2023, 6:37:57 PM9/22/23
to Iversen, Kevin D., roast-users
Hi Kevin, roast was not extensively tested on the Mac system. Did you try to change the permissions of the .mexmaci64 file? Maybe that can help.

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Iversen, Kevin D.

Nov 7, 2023, 12:35:26 PM11/7/23
to roast-users
For anyone who suffers from this issue in the future, the specific solution to changing the permissions lies within adding executable permissions to such files (in this case it was cgalmesh.mexmaci64). This can be done through terminal with the command chmod u+x [the file location].
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