I cannot open either the ROAST example files or my MRI files

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Oct 11, 2022, 2:55:37 PM10/11/22
to roast-users

I hope you are doing fine.

I downloaded the roast file (roast3.0). However, I cannot using it opening files. it has different errors each time: Unrecognized function or variable 'roast'. or Undefined function 'roast' for input arguments of type 'char'. etc.

Also at the beginning when I open roast on MATLAB there was two types of file (one has function sign the others the matlab original sign ) now they all changed to function sign.

I am not sure if I am doing right but please help me knowing where I am going wrong.


Yu (Andy) Huang

Oct 12, 2022, 9:33:44 AM10/12/22
to maryam, roast-users
In Matlab, please make sure your current working directory is the root directory of ROAST, ie., where you can see folders example/, lib/, and all other .m file like roast.m. Then you can call roast(). See documentation here for details.

Hope this helps.

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Yu (Andy) Huang, Ph.D.

Yu (Andy) Huang

Oct 12, 2022, 6:38:44 PM10/12/22
to maryam zahraee, roast-users
You did not unzip the downloaded .zip file. Windows may allow you to see the contents of a zip file without unzipping it, but roast cannot run if you do not unzip it. 

Please unzip it first. Hope this helps.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 1:12 PM maryam zahraee <mzahr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you for your reply.

It is on the same directory. I sent you the directory and other error I encountered.

maryam zahraee

Oct 28, 2022, 10:42:21 AM10/28/22
to Yu (Andy) Huang, roast-users
Hi Andy,

Thanks for your help. It works.

However, I have a new request: is there any way that we can extract more detailed data regarding ROI (region of interest)? Comparing two set-up of conventional and P-A on the same voxel?  we indeed need to extract e-field on same ROI. I have to use roast_target? The electype as far as I understood is disc not pad. Could it be an issue? your help is really appreciated.

thank you

Yu (Andy) Huang

Oct 29, 2022, 7:34:06 PM10/29/22
to maryam zahraee, roast-users
Hi Maryam,

Unfortunately ROI has not been added as a feature, but you can use reviewRes() to visualize the E-field output from roast() and click around in the slice view to locate to your ROI (if you know its MNI coordinates).

Hope this helps. 
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