predavanje na Kemijskem inštitutu

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Sep 16, 2018, 6:52:52 PM9/16/18
Posredujem vabilo na predavanje na Kemijskem inštitutu. Študija je bila narejena v R-ju in bo morda koga zanimam kak implementacijski detajl. Več pa spodaj.


On Uncensored Global Stochastic Optimization in / and Multi-Walk Algorithms under Problem-Specific Tableau Formulations  

Dr. Franc Brglez
Department of Computer Science 
North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, USA 
torek, 18.9.2018, ob 13:00 
Velika predavalnica, 
Kemijski Inštitut, 
Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana

There are numerous stochastic optimization algorithms in both the continuous domain R^p and the discrete domain D^p . We use the generic symbol D^p to denote domains where coordinates can be binary strings in [0,1]^p , ternary strings in [0,1,2]^p, permutations of a p-tuple [1,2,3,...,p], concatenations of binary and ternary coordinates, separated by a '.', etc. While graph problems such as the minimum vertex cover are frequently solved without the use of binary coordinates, the efficiency of the proposed multi-walk algorithm is significantly improved when we recursively:

(1) implement the multi-walk as tracking the movement of a set of p bots defined by coordinates in D^p ; 
(2) compute, for each bot, a distance=1 neighborhood of r <= p adjacent coordinates; and 
(3) devise an efficient method not only to probe the objective function at each of p bot coordinates but also an effective method to determine the best coordinate for the next step of each bot. 
We consider problems and solutions in both the continuous and the discrete domain. In R^p , we examine a number of standard hard instances where neighborhood radius is defined by tableaus of coordinate differences. In D^p, we consider tableau-based solutions defined by binary coordinates as well as permutation coordinates. For coordinates in [0,1]^p, we outline tableau formulations for set cover, set packing, graph vertex cover and maximum clique, Golomb ruler, and lights-out puzzle. For permutation coordinates in [1,2,3,..,p], we examine tableau-based solutions for the linear ordering problems, including the instances of Paley tournament graphs that are progressively increasing in size.  

In God we trust, all others bring data.

Aleš Kladnik

Oct 24, 2018, 4:46:09 AM10/24/18

naletel sem na obetavne kurze za bioinformatiko v R izpod prstov Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core. Začne se z uvodom v R, lekcije zgledajo prijazne in uporabne:, tole so pa vse njihove delavnice za bioinformatiko:

lp aleš
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