Fwd: [R-jobs] Paid internship "web application development with R"

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Roman Luštrik

Feb 7, 2020, 8:38:40 AM2/7/20
to rkoh...@googlegroups.com
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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mayeul Kauffmann <mayeul.k...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 12:23 PM
Subject: [R-jobs] Paid internship "web application development with R"
To: <r-sig...@r-project.org>

*Paid internship "web application development with R"*

The main skills for this proposed paid internship are: R, Shiny, and
components used by Shiny (plotly, javascript). Other skills (Debian,
Docker, CKAN...) are useful.

This internship offer is part of a partnership between the Grenoble
Alpes Cybersecurity Institute and the CYBIS project.

The *Cybersecurity Institute* aims to undertake innovative
interdisciplinary research to address the challenges of cybersecurity
and privacy. The main areas are low-cost secure elements, secure
critical infrastructures and their lifecycle management, vulnerability
research and global challenges in terms of risk analysis and validation
of major systems, including practical resilience in industry and
society. The approach is holistic, encompassing technical, legal,
economic, social, diplomatic, military and intelligence aspects with
strong private sector partnerships, and privileged national and
international cooperation with leading institutions in France and abroad.

The *CYBIS (Cyber & International Security)* project aims to make
available to the general public and researchers indicators and tools to
analyse recent and current conflicts (in a broad sense including
cybersecurity), in order to facilitate the understanding and analysis of
cyber attacks, terrorism and armed conflicts. In the long term, the
project will closely combine various types of media, such as databases,
an interactive website, software, training, conferences and seminars,
articles, reports and folders in publications. This site should provide
a clearer vision of cybersecurity and possible responses to
cyberthreats, as well as, more broadly, an enhanced vision of certain
conflicts, including cartographic analysis, and dynamic visualization
(interactive graphics showing spatio-temporal, quantitative and
qualitative data). In addition to databases and online mapping, this
multilingual site will provide a summary presentation of the various
national cybersecurity laws and a summary indicator in this field. Its
ambition is to become an international reference on contemporary armed
conflicts, crises and cybersecurity.

*Trainee supervision: *Mayeul Kauffmann, principal researcher and
webmaster of the Cybis project.

*Location: *Saint Martin d'Hères Campus (University of Grenoble Alpes),

*Duration: *2 to 6 months

*Start of the internship:* April, May or June 2020.

*Indemnity:* Gratification according to current regulations (about 600€
per month). Possibility of partial payment of transport costs.

*Missions:* The missions mentioned below are indicative. They may vary,
depending in particular on the trainee's skills and the duration of the

*Application process*
By e-mail to the e-mail address indicated at the bottom of the page:

Please check the CYBIS website before applying (possible update of this
offer). Indicate imperatively as the subject of the email "Cyber@Alps
CYBIS internship application - (your first and last name)".

Provide as attachments in PDF format a CV (file entitled
"name_givenName_CV.pdf") and a letter of application (file entitled
"name_givenName_LC.pdf"). In the letter, provide the following
information in particular:

- Potential start date of the internship (at the earliest):

- Potential end date of the internship (at the latest):

- Starting date of the internship that would suit you best:

- Minimum duration of the internship:

- Maximum duration of the internship:

- Duration you would prefer:

- Is this internship mandatory in your current training program?

The main mission is described below:

    Mission: Integration of visualization and data repository applications

Description: Produce a library (javascript or R/Shiny/plotly) allowing
the display of interactive historical maps, respecting the evolution of
country borders, similar to PeacePRISM. PeacePRISM is a FLOSS (GNU
Affero GPL) application for visualizing spatio-temporal data built in
Ruby On Rails and Javascript, which allows such features. The objective
of this mission is to make these javascript functionalities (already
existing) reusable in other platforms (notably R/Shiny/Plotly -
management of the interaction between elements by crosstalk; Rcmdr; and
CKAN), in collaboration with interested project partners to integrate
such a tool on their website. The Rcmdr component (for example) would
allow the creation of an application with a standalone GUI (desktop).

*Required skills: **R (Shiny, plotly, *if possible Rcmdr),**JavaScript,
JavaScript libraries (D3, Plotly), HTML5, CSS, possibly MVC framework.
If possible, sensitivity to visualization in the social sciences.

*Links:* http://cybis.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/fr/PeacePRISM

Other potential missions (depending on skills and interest) are
available at:

Best regards,



Dr. Mayeul Kauffmann
Chercheur principal - projet CYBIS / Cyber and International Security
Tél. fixe: 04 76 82 54 97 (Poste UGA : 2 54 97)
Laboratoire CESICE (Centre d'études sur la Sécurité Internationale et les Coopérations Européennes)
Université Grenoble Alpes - Faculté de Droit, aile B, bureau 303

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