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New federal grant funding opportunities are open!

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Joel Caplan

Mar 14, 2023, 9:19:14 PM3/14/23
to risk-terrain-modeling,
New federal grant funding opportunities are open!

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has several new funding programs focused on enhancing law enforcements’ ability to use data and technology to respond to crime. For example, the Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) provides funding to law enforcement agencies seeking to improve their use of evidence-based policing practices, data, and technology. This could include Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) for Risk-Based Policing or Data-Informed Community Engagement (DICE).

This new solicitation from BJA seeks to support initiatives that implement and test innovative approaches to common law enforcement challenges, enable law enforcement agencies to appropriately support the implementation of community violence intervention and prevention initiatives in their jurisdiction, and develop, implement, and test new technologies that promote information sharing and data transparency.

* Here’s an example of RBP in Kansas City, MO:

* Here’s an example of DICE in Newark, NJ:

The deadline to apply to BJA is May 9.

Writing a grant proposal? The Rutgers University Center on Public Security (RCPS) can help by providing you with text, references, and other material support for your grant proposals that incorporate RTM. Simply email Dr. Caplan at to discuss what you need and the RCPS team will get it to you.

Your work drives evidence-based practice forward, and we look forward to learning from your success.

Kind regards,
Joel, RCPS Director


All times are Eastern Time (New York), unless stated otherwise.

Joel M. Caplan, Ph.D.
Twitter: @JoelCaplan
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