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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Atlantic City Workshop Teaches National Model for Crime Prevention, Policing

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Joel Caplan

Aug 17, 2022, 10:34:39 AM8/17/22
to risk-terrain-modeling
Atlantic City’s Fall Workshop on Crime Prevention to Highlight proven, Nationally recognized model of better public safety, policing.

Data can inform the best strategies for community engagement, crime prevention and service delivery. This interactive workshop lets participants see first-hand how popular data analysis techniques drive decision-making for fair and effective resource deployments and actions that meet community expectations. Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) software technology, originally tested in Atlantic City 5 years ago, is now used around the world to diagnose crime patterns and prioritize places in need. RTM empowers multiple stakeholders to do what they do best at the places needing them most.


Hosted by Stockton University, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and the Atlantic City Police Department. Sponsored by Simsi.


Crime and violence are top priorities for many cities across the United States. Adequately addressing these issues in a way that meets local expectations can be challenging. Police can’t do it alone. The national model for data-informed community engagement, or DICE, brings citizens and police officers together to reduce crime and save public dollars.... READ MORE in the full PRESS RELEASE

For more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, contact:
Joel Caplan
Mobile 609-517-8898


All times are Eastern Time (New York), unless stated otherwise.

Joel M. Caplan, Ph.D.
Twitter: @JoelCaplan

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PressRelease _CPwRTM_ACWorkshop_Aug2022.pdf
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