ARTICLE: RTM analysis of hate crime

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Joel Caplan

Aug 15, 2023, 6:24:42 AM8/15/23
to risk-terrain-modeling
Article is well worth a read. Kudos David Mazeika & Wesley McCann on this work! 

“The ability of place-based risk factors to predict hate crime” 

Security Journal (2023) 

Hate crime has exhibited an alarming increase in many cities over the past few years. As a nation, the United States recorded 7759 in 2020, the highest number in 12 years according to the FBI. Researchers and police practitioners have long relied on “place-based” approaches to study and respond to crime, exploiting the strong and consistent concentration of crime within a small number of places. One tool that has proven utility directing place-based approaches is Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM). This study quantifies the degree to which hate crime is concentrated within place, and assesses whether micro-level risk factors identified by RTM, combined with mezzo-level neighborhood features, predict future hate crime. Results suggest these place-based tools can identify factors with a meaningful influence on the risk of hate crime.

All times are Eastern Time (New York), unless stated otherwise.

Joel M. Caplan, Ph.D.
Twitter: @JoelCaplan

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