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NEW ARTICLE: Risk-Based Policing in Essex, UK

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Joel Caplan

May 11, 2023, 2:00:34 PM5/11/23
to risk-terrain-modeling,
This is an excellent study, led by Iain Agar and other police professionals in the United Kingdom. It draws insights from environmental criminology for a policing initiative focused on risky places and the micro-spatial factors that create vulnerable settings for crime to emerge or persist.

READ 📖 “The Essex Risk-Based Policing Initiative: Evidence-Based Practices in Problem Analysis and Crime Prevention in the United Kingdom”

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(1) community violence incidents reduced significantly, and the target areas outperformed the control areas by over 47%
(2) A cost-benefit analysis found this equates to a costs savings of £106,220 during the 6-month intervention period

✅ This study demonstrates the value of evidence-based approaches to problem analysis and place-based crime prevention with Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), and the generalizability of policing research in the US to UK settings.

✅ It demonstrates how a researcher-practitioner implemented initiative from a large city in Missouri (US) was transferred to a small town in Essex (UK) solely via the in-house expertise of Essex Police personnel who reviewed published and open-access scientific literature

✅ It's a true testament to “pracademics” and translational criminology


All times are Eastern Time (New York), unless stated otherwise.

Joel M. Caplan, Ph.D.
Twitter: @JoelCaplan

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