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Fwd: Fw: Newark Public Safety Collaborative Newsletter

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Joel Caplan

Feb 14, 2023, 9:44:59 PM2/14/23
to risk-terrain-modeling
Lots of good stuff in this NPSC newsletter.

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From: Joel Caplan <>
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 9:43 PM
Subject: Fw: Newark Public Safety Collaborative Newsletter
To: Joel Caplan <>

From: Newark Public Safety Collaborative <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:18 AM
To: <>
Subject: Newark Public Safety Collaborative Newsletter
Newsletter #33
February 14, 2023
See below a quick snapshot of crime trends and updated data statistics.
Click on the pictures to enlarge them
Crime Statistics and Analyses
2022 annual crime data, compared to 2021, suggest a slight decrease in citywide violent crime counts, except for robbery incidents which increased by 5%. Most importantly, last year's homicide count was the lowest in 60 years. Following a similar trend to the previous year, 2022 crime counts for property crimes showed 2,000 auto theft incidents, with one of every two incidents due to cars left unattended. Read about our Auto Theft Reduction Program here.
Newark's Public Safety Data Atlas
To continue advancing NPSC's mission to democratize access to data and analytics, the NPSC launched the Newark Public Safety Data Atlas. An interactive map that gives you complete control over when and how to access NPSC's risk terrain modeling (RTM) maps and year-to-date neighborhood variation data. The first subset of RTM maps identifies priority places to implement community responses to various problems (e.g., auto thefts), while the second subset of maps helps identify neighborhoods experiencing an uptick in year-to-date crime compared to the same time period last year.

We invite you to access the Newark Public Safety Data Atlas directly on your phone, tablet, or computer. The NPSC Data Atlas can be used to inform targeted interventions, such as the community-led flyer distribution campaign to reduce auto theft. NPSC's crime prevention campaigns target places and not specific individuals to help your organization mobilize resources where needed most to improve community safety.

Click on the picture below to open the atlas. Once open, please click this icon  to view all maps.
Risk Analyses

Our most recent analyses for property crime have identified bodegas, abandoned properties, and ATMs as problem-prone places. Moreover, areas near these places (i.e., abandoned properties,  ATMs, bodegas, and gas stations) are also at an increased risk for violent crime victimization.

NPSC is analyzing the spatial relationship between bodegas and violent crime, as 56% of shooting incidents in 2022 in the City of Newark occurred within two blocks of bodegas.

NPSC is analyzing the association between reported crime incidents and a subset of over 40 business facilities, land uses, parks, and other vulnerable places across the city of Newark.

The NPSC Engages Newark Youth to Become Co-producers in Public Safety
The NPSC team presented for students attending Newark's LEAD Charter School in a collaborative effort with Newark Opportunity Youth Network. In this second session hosted by NOYN, the Rutgers team shared data and analytics that informed NPSC's auto theft educational campaign with students in an effort to solicit their input on the ongoing DICE efforts to reduce auto theft.

The students' response was to suggest launching a digital public safety campaign as an efficient strategy to increase awareness of the risk of leaving cars unattended. The NPSC team is looking forward to unveiling this new digital strategy that will bring student creativity and desire to advocate for community change in the form of a short video, contributing to current efforts to reduce auto theft victimization across the city of Newark.
DICE LED Light Replacement Project Yields Positive Results
In 2019, the PSE&G launched a program to replace over 2,500 obsolete high-pressure sodium lights (HPS) with new and brighter LED lights across Newark. That same year, the NPSC partnered with the PSE&G in a DICE program that sought to prioritize LED light installations in areas identified as high-risk places for violent crime victimization during nighttime hours. Between 2019 and 2021, the number of nighttime violent crime incidents decreased by 47% in areas within proximity to new LED light pole installations. By crime type, the target areas experienced a 40% decrease in aggravated assaults, a 49% decrease in robberies, and a 100% decrease in homicides. Overall, the number of violent crimes decreased by 5 for every 100 poles replaced with enhanced LED lighting. This collaborative DICE project supports the utility of improved lighting conditions in violent crime-prone areas as an effective strategy to reduce crime opportunities and improve overall safety.
The NPSC's is featured in the Wall Street Journal
The NPSC was recently featured in a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article for its efforts in working with city officials, law enforcement and community-based organizations to reduce crime in vulnerable areas.

"...the Newark Public Safety Collaborative, which is spearheaded by academics and includes social-service agencies, hospitals, schools, police, and the city, talked about installing new streetlights and figuring out why bodegas seem to be magnets for crime," the WSJ story reported.
PBS Features the NPSC in NOVA's "Computers v. Crime"
From minute 40:00
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Joel M. Caplan, Ph.D.
Twitter: @JoelCaplan

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