3 Questions: Integration with a RAD/IDE tool, UML 2 Support, RISE development, thanks.

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Mar 7, 2009, 11:24:21 PM3/7/09
to risee...@googlegroups.com

1.- I use Code Charge Studio RAD/IDE Tool, to generate applications using PHP/MySQL. I would like to know if there is a way to use RISE for the Visual Model of the application and then connect in some way with my RAD/IDE Tool to generate the code, would this be possible?

Code Charge Studio: http://www.yessoftware.com/products/product.php?product_id=1

2.- Does RISE support UML 2 specifications, and to create detailed documentation?

3.- How would you support the further development of RISE if it is free?

Thank you very much
Best Regards


Mar 9, 2009, 5:21:18 AM3/9/09
Hello José,
Thank you for sharing your questions about using RISE.

1. Today, there is no such connectivity. However; if you are working
with PHP/MySQL you may be interested in knowing that we are at the
moment pursuing code generator development both for MySQL for the data
layer and for PHP for the application layer. As of yet, there has not
been a release date scheduled so if you are interested of this please,
check our site and the forum once in a while for more information.

2. The choice of modeling convention for RISE was for several reasons
not UML so no UML-specific functionality is included although much of
what UML aims at can be done in RISE as is. As far as detailed
documentation: RISE will give you both auto-generated detailed
documentation based on your model, including any interfaces you have
added. It will also include any notes added. If you add a note to one
of the objects, the note will show up in the auto-generated
documentation in the section describing that object.

3. For clarification; the RISE Software suite comprise more parts than
just just the Editor and not all of these are free. The development of
the editor is financed mainly through indirect revenue from products
and services built with and/or on RISE.

I hope this was helpful to you.

Best regards,
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