Test Your Server

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Mar 4, 2010, 11:31:58 AM3/4/10
First: I'm brand new to RISE, but I have to say, it is very unusual in
my experience to find software designed so brilliantly RIGHT. Most
software I use, I am constantly wondering if the developer even knew
what they were doing, but I can tell that RISE was developed by people
who actually UNDERSTOOD a few things.

I am having a problem testing services from the RISE editor.
I keep getting the error "The remote server returned an error: (404)
Not Found." when I attempt to test any methods on the "Test Web
Services" screen.

I cannot tell if there is a small gap in the documentation, or if I am
somehow missing a step. Amazingly the documentation is simultaneously
thorough and succinct, so I'm sure the problem is me.

I have:
1) Created a small model, created a connection string for MySQL, and
successfully generated the database.
2) Created a <myprefix>.Config.php file containing the MySQL
connection parameters.
3) Used "Generate Code To File" successfully and saved the various PHP
and MXL files to: http://localhost/RISE. When I visit that URL in my
browser I can see a listing of the php files.
4) I have specified "http://localhost/RISE" in the "Application root
URL" field of the "Test Web Services" form.
5) I have selected a simple service, provided the necessary parameter,
and clicked "Execute Method".

Probably I'm stupidly omitting some crucial step, but I cannot figure
out what it is. Is there some missing step between 3 and 4?? Or is
the problem more likely something like a typos in my config file?

Please Help.

Joar Swenning

Mar 4, 2010, 2:09:16 PM3/4/10
Hi Joshua,
Thank you for your kind words about RISE and the people behind it!

It may very well be that the documentation is lacking information on
this issue. I will check to see if it needs to be updated with this

The RISE Editor needs to be directed to a specific file. If you do not
specify one, it will make an assumption. Unfortunately the RISE Editor
doesn't know which kind of code you have chosen to generate and the
default assumption that it is an .asmx-file is of course not the
correct one in your case.

If you instead try specifying the application root URL as "http://
localhost/RISE/<myprefix>.WS.<interfacename>.php" it should work fine.

Hope this helped,,

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