Participation in a Doctoral Research - Durham University

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Ludovico Rella

May 24, 2018, 1:57:56 PM5/24/18
to Ripple Project

Hello everyone,

I am Ludovico Rella, and I am a Ph.D. researcher in Geography at Durham University, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK. I write to you to ask, first, whether any of you would be available to be interviewed regarding the origins, original implementation and subsequent evolution of Ripple. You can find more information about my project on this page:

My research project wants to explore the political, social, and cultural impact on money digitization on payments and currencies, especially on how money is exchanged and ascribed value to, as well as how monetary spaces change as a consequence of the deployment of new payment infrastructures. Ripple is a very important case study for my research, first, because it was first conceived before, and it answered to radically different theoretical questions than Bitcoin and subsequent iterations of Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies. Second, the design of the technology changed in significant ways over time, so it is interesting for me to trace the evolution of specific features. Hence, I would like to interview professionals and people who have been involved in this project since its inception, to capture how it changed and evolved over time. I would also be interested, for those of you who are involved in that company, to discuss Ripple and its products. These interviews will be no longer than 1 hour.

As per research standards in the social sciences, all interviews will be anonymized, all details covered by copyright will be protected, and no names of individuals and firms will be disclosed at any moment. You can find more information about the ethical guidelines here:

Let me know if you have any question related to this project.

I am looking forward to getting in touch with any of you who will be interested in participating.

Thank you in advance.


Ludovico Rella

Ph.D. Researcher, Durham University



Phone: +447397134085

Skype: ludovicorella

Twitter: @ludovico_rella


Melvin Carvalho

May 24, 2018, 2:37:07 PM5/24/18
to rippleusers
Why do you say ripple was conceived before bitcoin?

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Giovanni P

May 24, 2018, 2:47:22 PM5/24/18
Because it was, right?

Anyway, I think I'm available to be interviewed, if needed.

I've been following, thinking and sometimes trying to implement stuff related to Ripple since 2011 (however, I came to known about Ripple some months before I learned about Bitcoin).
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Melvin Carvalho

May 24, 2018, 6:00:19 PM5/24/18
to rippleusers
meh i dunno, I thought bitcoin was concieved 98/99, white paper 08, impl 09

i thought ripple was conceived in 2004, I could well be wrong

just wondering the source of OP's assertion ...

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Ludovico Rella

May 25, 2018, 5:14:28 AM5/25/18
To the best of my knowledge, the first time the name "Bitcoin" was pronounced was with the 2008 white paper.
This does not mean that elements of that technology were not already around, nor that there had not been other iterations of the same concept (bit gold and so forth) that were deployed prior to Bitcoin and around 1998, as Melvin points out. What I am saying is that Bitcoin, under that name, was not around before 2008, while Ripple, under that name, was around in 2004.
I hope that this clarifies what I meant.
Thank you for the question, and for all those who already gave their availability to participate in the research project. I will get in touch with all of you shortly.
Best wishes 

Melvin Carvalho

May 25, 2018, 6:33:44 AM5/25/18
to rippleusers
Seems right, thanks for clarifying.

May 25, 2018, 6:44:50 PM5/25/18
to Ripple Project
You'd have to ask the founder of the original Ripple Project, Ryan Fugger. 


Jun 6, 2018, 8:16:02 AM6/6/18
to Ripple Project
Hi Ludovico 

I would be happy to help if still needed. I currently work on an Ethereum based implementation of the original ripple idea (, and have been studied the concept a lot during the last 2 years.




Jun 8, 2018, 7:32:28 PM6/8/18
to Ripple Project
Ive been here since 2010.. Happy to participate in the study..
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