Beta availability: Devnet has been upgraded to version 1.12.0-b1

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Jul 7, 2023, 9:08:23 PM7/7/23
to ripple server
XRP Ledger version 1.12.0-b1 (beta) is now available.

To build the latest release (including betas and release candidates), follow the build instructions and use the `release` branch.

Devnet is a test network which provides a preview of upcoming amendments. This can help to facilitate development and testing of these potential changes. Some of these changes are considered unstable. They may not ultimately be adopted on Mainnet, or may undergo additional changes prior to adoption. To use Devnet, you can get a free account with an XRP Faucet.

The Ripple-operated nodes on the Devnet test network have been updated to 1.12.0-b1. While there are public nodes you can use for testing and development purposes, you may also wish to run your own server. If you run a node connected to Devnet, your node will be amendment blocked if it is not upgraded to a version that understands any amendments that are active on Devnet. 1.12.0-b1 introduces two new amendments,fixReducedOffersV1 and Clawback. These amendments may be activated at any time. To ensure uninterrupted testing on Devnet, you may wish to ensure that your Devnet nodes are upgraded to 1.12.0-b1 as soon as possible.
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