Google Summer of Code 2015

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Philipp Naderer / Botic

Feb 6, 2015, 6:56:11 AM2/6/15
Hi all!

The apply phase for the upcoming Google Summer of Code[1] starts in 3 days. Open Source projects and their organizations can apply to get a post-secondary student stipend to work on their projects. The chances for smaller projects like RingoJS are not high, but at least we could try to get in the program. An alternative would be to see if the OpenJDK project is involved and provide them two mentors for RingoJS.

I see two possible student projects:

* Replace the Rhino engine with Nashorn. The goal is to have a running Nashorn version of the Java core, without all of Ringo's module. It's enough if Ringo starts and executes a simple script.
* Improve rp and implement more advanced features npm or other package managers offer.

Any comments or ideas on that?


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