Hello Mahmoud et ALL
This is an update ... it has Animation ...
It can draw more figures and quicker
- Calculus-Conics-2.ring
- ConicFigures-ZIP.zip
- mylibCalcTransform.c => C-calculator for speed
- buildvc-mylibCalcTransform.bat => Creates DLL required ( can not be attached so code follows)
call c:\ring\language\src\locatevc.bat x64
cl /c /DEBUG mylibCalcTransform.c -I "C:\ring\language\include"
link /DEBUG mylibCalcTransform.obj c:\ring\lib\ring.lib /DLL /OUT:mylibCalcTransform.dll
del mylibCalcTransform.obj
Example: Snail Shell
- Select drop-down figure
- Start/Clear
- Animation
- Inc-Angle (default 1,1,1) can be used to change rotate amounts in X-Y-Z plane.
- Try 0,0,1 for rotation around Z-plane