Changing time formatting display

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Gerhardus Geldenhuis

Jul 14, 2021, 6:23:39 AM7/14/21
to Riemann Users
I am trying to configure our riemann server to display a more human readable version of time than the unix number in the pagerduty alert. Unfortunately the people that configured riemann here has left and did not do a lot of internal docs.

Currently we have this in config for pagerduty:

Extracted from:/etc/riemann/riemann.config
(defn pagerduty-format
  "Nice formatting for PagerDuty format"
  (let [[short_host subdomain _] (str/split (if (:fqdn event) (:fqdn event) (str/join "." (reverse (str/split (:host event) #"\.")))) #"\." 3)]
          (if-let [has-time (:time event)]
            {:time (long has-time)}
        :summary (str (:service event)
                      " at "
                      (:host event)
                      " is "
                      (:state event)
                      " ("
                      (:metric event)
        :group subdomain
        :severity (condp = (:state event)
          "ok"       "info"
          "warning"  "warning"
          "critical" "critical"
        :custom_details (assoc event :graphs
           "http://grafana." subdomain ""
           "&var-site=" subdomain "&var-host=" short_host ))})))

I thought that if I changed {:time (long has-time)} to {:time (unix-to-iso8601((long has-time))} that it would display a more appropriate format in pagerduty.

However I am not convinced riemann likes the config file. If I restart rieman on the centos 7.6 machine it restarts but does not show any error in journalctl or in the log file. I added some random brackets just to definitely break the config and still no complaint from the daemon.

I also tried replacing the long function directly with unix-to-iso8601 and tried time-at function both as a replacement for the long function and as a wrapper for the result of the long function.

So I have two problems:
  • I can't test the config and the riemann service does not seem to test it either or report it broken
  • Can't get the formating of the output to be what I desire

So I am clearly not an expert on clojure, I did in my defence at least read the primer which allowed me to make changes which I thought would work. 

So any pointers of help would be greatly appreciated.


Sanel Zukan

Jul 14, 2021, 7:32:42 AM7/14/21
to Gerhardus Geldenhuis, Riemann Users

You don't change ':time', because it is used to generate ':timestamp' in
event. Try to adjust or add ':timestamp' in the last map, e.g.

:group ...
:timestamp <-- custom format

or with existing code:

{:summary ...
:group ...
;; added code
(when (:time event)
{:timestamp (unix-to-iso8601 (:time event))}))

> - I can't test the config and the riemann service does not seem to test
> it either or report it broken
> - Can't get the formating of the output to be what I desire
> So I am clearly not an expert on clojure, I did in my defence at least read
> the primer which allowed me to make changes
> which I thought would work.
> So any pointers of help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> --
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Toby McLaughlin

Jul 15, 2021, 8:17:52 AM7/15/21
to Riemann Users
For the testing problem, try running Riemann outside of systemd, with:

riemann test /etc/riemann/riemann.config


riemann start /etc/riemann/riemann.config

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