RR Why do liberals still believe these things?

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Jul 25, 2014, 1:20:22 AM7/25/14
to Richs...@yahoogroups.com, The Slick eZine

The Heritage Foundation
Dear Reader,
Over the weekend, I spent some time with fellow conservatives in Denver. During my flights, I had some time to think through some questions I've been grappling with.
Why it is that liberals cling so desperately to government programs and ideas that just don't work?
Why is it that they cling to social spending programs created decades ago when people lived shorter lives?
And why do they think citizens, to thrive, must be dependent on the government?
It's because liberals are attached to the big-government status quo and the belief that the government knows best.
But it's conservatives like you and me, because we use eternal truths like America’s first principles to guide us to effective solutions, who are the real reformers.
We are clear-eyed realists, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the human condition. But we are also optimists, since we believe our principles will lead us to the right solution. And that's why you and I, Richard, keep fighting the good fight.
Our fight is real. And fortunately, the solution is simple: We need to get more people on the conservativeside.
It’s one thing to say that. Doing it is a bit tougher. We have to expose the truth about liberals: they are dragging down America — our economy, our communities, our families, our system of government — through their outdated, radical, statist ideology. And we have to then convince them that conservative ideas provide a way forward.
The Heritage Foundation has developed a 3-pronged plan to do this:
  1. Conduct strong policy research that upholds America’s founding principles: free enterprise, limited government, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
  2. Ensure our solutions reach more Americans and persuade them of the truth.
  3. Work with our sister organization, Heritage Action for America, who will hold lawmakers accountable to these principles.
Richard, I'm hoping you'll help me in our fight. We've developed a strategy that will keep Heritage ahead of the liberals in this heated battle for the heart and soul of our nation . . . but we must have your help to make this plan a reality.
Heritage's Board of Trustees is challenging every Heritage member, including you, Richard, to get behind this campaign. Accept the challenge >>
Thank you for having the courage to be a conservative -- a fellow reformer.
Jim DeMint
The Heritage Foundation
The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002 | (800) 546-2843
Always remember and never forget.   Competition is the catalyst that allows capitalism to work?"

Rich Martin

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TEA Party Nation

I’m as mad as hell,
and I’m not going to take it any more.

Mrs. Richard "Peggy" Martin (1935 - 2012)

Always remember and never forget.   Competition is the catalyst that allows capitalism to work?"

Rich Martin

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