RR Interesting Items 09/21 - by Alex Gimarc

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Rich Martin

Sep 25, 2015, 12:59:51 AM9/25/15
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Interesting Items 09/21 - by Alex Gimarc

Howdy all, a few Interesting Items for your information. Enjoy –

In this issue:

1.  Clock

2   Mosquitoes

3.  Arctic Ice

4.  Trial

5.  Crime Stats

6.  Trump

1.  Clock.  It appears that the so-called clock young Ahmed Mohamed took to MacArthur HS in Dallas last week was a hoax, a setup, and that he and his father are agent provocateurs for radical Muslims here in the US. Of course, the Obama regime played right along feigning shock and outrage at the anti-Muslim racism and promptly invited him to the WH for a visit.  How sweet.  Obama never strays too far from his community agitator roots does he?  So what happened?  The 14-year old youngster brought a disassembled electronic clock in a metal pencil case to school.  He claimed it was his invention (not true) and that is was a clock (true, though an old one).  His teacher took a look at it and asked him not to show it around.  The kid showed it around, creating a buzz at the school.  The school administration got involved and called the cops.  The cops interviewed the kid and the kid chose not answer what it was for, why he built it, and why he
brought it to
school.  As far as I can tell, the kid was not arrested, but was told to take his toy home.  A guy that called himself Anthony writing in Artvoice reverse engineered the clock with the help of E-Bay and came to the conclusion that it was a late-1970’s Micronta digital clock, model 63 765 sold by Radio Shack at the time.  Bottom line is that it was not the kid’s invention.  He did not create it.  He did not build it from a kit.  He or someone at home or from CAIR got the bright idea that it would be a fun thing to take an old clock apart, put it in a pencil case, take it to school, pretend to be a Jihadi, and then be shocked, simply shocked when someone asked the kid what the hell was going on.  As it turns out, the kid’s father, one Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed is a publicity hound, having participated in the Koran burning circus in Florida in 2011.  He also ran for President of Sudan twice.  Looks like he managed to create his most recent
cause with
this stunt.  As of this writing, I don’t think either the school or the cops overreacted.  Sooner or later we Americans are going to have to figure out what we want to do with Muslims who have immigrated into the US who promptly go on welfare, being fed, housed, schooled and cared for on the public dime while they spend all their time waging Jihad against America.  Some of them “inexplicably” go Jihadi after years of acting like sweet, intelligent, happy neighbors.  Geller believes this story is pure agitprop, intended to make us all feel less safe while stirring up anti-Muslim sentiment and Muslim victimhood with cries of profiling, Islamophobia, and racism when people who have been told for over a decade to “See something. Say something” when it comes to suspicious actions.  http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/17/ahmed-mohamed-and-the-islamophobia-clock/

2.  Mosquitoes.  Alice Rogoff’s propaganda rag, the former Anchorage Daily News publishes regular scare stories about manmade global warming / climate change as a vehicle to convince us all to let the feds “fix” the non-existent problem.  Last week we were treated to a breathless story about mosquitoes and manmade global warming due to CO2 emissions (climate change).  The story comes out of a federally funded study out of Dartmouth College last week that concludes that warmer arctic temperatures will lead directly to more and larger mosquitoes here in Alaska.  Biologists used Greenlandic mosquitoes in field observations and in lab experiments and measured differences in time it took the adults to emerge as temperature was varied.  They found that every degree C change warmer the adults emerged 10% sooner.  Those of us in mosquito infested parts of the world know this implicitly, with the warm, wet still days being the very worst mosquito
They then went on to measure and conclude that a 2 degree C increase in temperature increased the survival chance by 53%; 5 degree C increase increases that probability by more than 160%.  They then go to tie more mosquitoes to more problems with caribou birth and survival, as the caribou have to make their way through larger clouds of mosquitoes.  Their final conclusion, mostly ignored by the researchers is that warmer temperatures also increase the number and survival of a local predator beetle which eats mosquito larvae, but were too busy having a great time writing about the threat posed by the increased number of mosquitoes on caribou to investigate the impact of increased predation by the beetles on those mosquitoes.  Up here, the problem is not the size of mosquitoes.  Rather it is the number.  One species of mosquitoes up here overwinters and are the first to wake up.  These are normally the largest.  They don’t live all that long and
quickly replaced by smaller and much more numerous mosquitoes that tend to swarm on bad days.  When the smaller mosquitoes arrive, they do in waves, especially Interior and on the North Slope.  When they get that bad, the only thing you can do is wear a net and hope for a freeze, which knocks them down a bit.  DEET helps as do mosquito coils and Mosquito magnets.  Their numbers don’t seem to be dependent on how far the permafrost is below the surface – inches to a foot or so north of the Brooks Range to non-existent in southern parts of Alaska.  If anything, they do better where it is colder longer.  An old story up here is of an ADF&G biologist who did an estimate of the dominant animal on the North Slope.  He did an estimate of the collective biomass of various bears, caribou, birds, arctic foxes and finally mosquitoes, and compared total mass of the animals.  He found the dominant lifeform in terms of overall mass of each species by far
on the
North Slope was mosquitoes.  Hard to envision how mosquito populations would increase much more than they currently are, but nothing is beneath furthering the continuing narrative of crisis, fear and excuses for more big government intervention.  https://www.adn.com/article/20150915/study-warmer-arctic-means-faster-mosquito-growth-spelling-hazard-caribou

3.  Arctic Ice.  In yet another breathless manmade global warming article last week, we found that Arctic sea ice was at its fourth lowest level on record.  This is based on satellite observations which began in 1979, a mere 36 years ago.  The NOAA scientists who gravely made the announcement did not remind everyone that coverage Arctic and Antarctic sea ice seem to be related in that they vary in opposition.  In other words, when ice coverage in the Arctic is low, it is extensive and expansive in Antarctic.  When Arctic sea ice coverage is high, Antarctic ice coverage tends to decrease.  Nobody knows why or how the variations are related.  But apparently we can do something about too little ice in the Arctic and should simply ignore what is going on in the Antarctic. https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum

4.  Trial.  The first trial for environmental crimes in federal court was supposed to begin this month here in Anchorage.  The mining company was attempting to restart an abandoned platinum mine near Platinum, AK, which is between Bethel and Togiak in southwest Alaska.  The Platinum Creek Mine had been worked and sold multiple times since the 1920s.  It was most recently worked by XS Platinum which purchased it in 2007.  The new owners were a combination of incompetent and criminal, using a dredge for years that blocked a local river with tailings.  Don’t think they found a lot of platinum as they went out of business pretty quickly.  The previous owner foreclosed on XS Platinum in 2012 and now owns the mine.  A federal biologist overflying the area in August 2011 first discovered the damage.  The feds dropped a clean water act indictment on the company in November 2014 with the first appearance in court of the five officers charged scheduled
for the
following January.  The company claimed to use a self-contained, zero discharge system.  Instead the just drove a dredge up and down the waterway discharging lots and lots of sand and mud.  They were charged with excessive turbidity (mud) in the water and harming salon returns.  We are talking about perhaps 2,500 reds, pinks and chum as of 1995.  The parent company dissolved in 2013.  To date, two managers plea bargained, leaving a Canadian charged to be in federal court this week.  Two other officers who are Australian are unable to be found.  Prosecutors have so far been unable to find remnants of the company.  The feds threw the book at everyone they could find and the trial will be a great show for all the local anti-mining activists.  I told you all that to tell you this.  Contrast if you will what was a willful disaster here in Alaska orchestrated by officers of a mining company that was clearly on its last legs financially with what
the EPA has
been doing following its willful mining spill out of the Gold King Mine in Colorado.  Out of the EPA, we have lying, finger-pointing, destruction of e-mails, and nicely sanitized internal investigations.  Imagine what would happen should federal prosecutors who are nicely spun up to thump the XS Platinum guys treat the EPA officials that orchestrated and participated in that spill with identical mercy.  But there are two sets of rules under this regime – those for the government and its cronies, and those for everybody else.  Perhaps it is time for that to stop. http://www.adn.com/article/20150913/trial-begin-over-accusations-environmental-crimes-alaska-mine

5.  Crime Stats.  One of the things that the regime is good at (other than the wanton destruction of the fabric of this nation) is hiding stuff from an uninterested media – which means they don’t have to work all that hard at doing so.  And one of the more important things to hide are crime statistics in areas that have large numbers of new, illegal immigrants – those who are not Mexico’s Best and Brightest per Donald Trump.  It turns out that heroin has been flooding into the country in increasingly large quantities over the last several years since Obama, his democrat cronies, and cowardly congressional Republicans opened the flood gates on the southern border.  The illegals are carrying backpacks filled with the stuff and turning those backpacks over to gang members in return for their safe passage north.  The other piece of this is the refusal of the feds to collect and report comprehensive statistics of crime being committed by
Like the wave of heroin entering the country, this crime wave is also staggering and so far the feds, who know enough about the location and needs of these illegals to pay them welfare, register them as democrats, and turn them out to vote for democrats on Election Day, seem uninterested.  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/09/16/crime-wave-elusive-data-shows-frightening-toll-illegal-immigrant-criminals/

6.  Trump.  Looks like the Donald Trump shtick is going to hang around for a while, much to the consternation of GOP big money donors and national party insiders.  Last week’s CNN debate was orchestrated as a kill shot on his campaign.  It didn’t work out that way because Trump is not playing by their rules and because his supporters enjoy it.  As of this writing, it looks like the media has selected Carly Fiorina to be the vehicle by which Trump’s campaign will be destroyed.  I predict this will backfire too.  Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg took out an anti-Trump ad before the debate, going after his anti-immigration stance.  Zuckerberg claims that the GOP will lose the next election if it does not cave to the demands of business for amnesty and more foreign workers on visas.  As we saw with Disney, they are going to control their costs by bringing in foreigners to do jobs they no longer want to allow American citizens to do because
Americans are simply too expensive to their bottom line.  http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/16/zuckerberg-fires-warning-shot-donald-trump-debate/

More later -

- AG

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia

  State House, August 1, 1776.

Note: Interesting Items can be found at the following locations:
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