Interesting Items 01/27 -

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Rich Martin

Jan 28, 2014, 9:41:47 AM1/28/14
Interesting Items 01/27 -
      Monday Jan27, 2014
Interesting Items 01/27 -
Howdy all, a few Interesting Items for your information. Enjoy –
In this issue:
1.  Thuggery
2.  Wendy
3.  Tides
4.  Radiation
5.  Sperm Donor
6.  Leases
1.  Thuggery.  A pretty ugly week for liberty-loving Americans as the Obama regime spun up the (In)Justice Department and the IRS to conduct battlefield preparation for the upcoming election season.  This section will be significantly more disjointed than normal, so please bear with me.  The first story are the IRS anti-TEA Party rules and regulations that codify what they have been illegally doing for the last five years to harass, obstruct and intimidate conservative organizations that want to participate in the political process.  New rules are out for public comment and have been universally panned by everyone who has provided public comment.  A report last week had not a single positive or supportive comment being offered, except those by one Chuckie Schumer (D, NY) as he laid out the democrat strategy for taking out the TEA Party in a speech last Thursday.  In his speech, Schumer trotted out all the old leftist clichés about conservatives used over the last century.  Schumer cited shadowy big dollar donors behind the TEA Party and exhorted the IRS to take them out of the political business entirely.  And when Schumer speaks, the IRS is sure to act.  Holder’s (In)Justice Department announced a lawsuit against conservative writer and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, accusing him of reimbursing donors for a conservative candidate for US Candidate.  This is what a supporter of John Edwards did a couple election cycles ago and ended up pleading to a misdemeanor.  Holder’s goons are threatening years in jail for $20,000 in straw donation reimbursements.  We will see if D’Souza gets the same treatment as democrat donors get.  Final story comes out of Virginia, where former Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife were indicted for illegally accepting gifts.  Charges were filed by yet another of Holder’s corruptocrat lawfare warriors.  Initial review of the charges appear to be pretty thin gruel indeed, but when your goal is to destroy all Republicans as they leave office and intimidate those in office, the ends always justify the means. McDonnell was elected in 2009 with strong TEA Party support.  He ended up trying to get along with the democrats at the national and state level, opting to increase both spending and taxation.  His conservative support predictably melted away.  And his new friends on the political left can’t wait to put him and his wife in jail.  Expect charges against his wife to be dropped as soon as he takes a plea bargain and agrees to some time in jail, which is an old prosecutor’s trick.  http://www.americanthinker. com/2014/01/schumers_plan_to_ abolish_the_tea_party.html
2.  Wendy.  Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis had a rough week as both major Texas papers in Dallas and her home town of Fort Worth published investigative articles destroying her articulated personal history.  Instead of being a single mother pulling herself up by her own bootstraps, Wendy married an older man, made a couple babies, and divorced him as soon as the college loans sending her to Harvard Law School had been paid off.  She also gave up custody of her children.  She didn’t lift herself up from the trailer park to Harvard Law School by her own.  Instead he latched herself to a well to do man, used him as a human ATM machine, and dumped him as soon as she was finished with him.  In this way, Wendy Davis, democrat candidate for Texas Governor is the perfect feminist.  The Davis campaign has been less than artful about their description about Republican candidate for Governor Greg Abbott, claiming he needed to walk in her shoes.  Abbott is a paraplegic and wheelchair bound so he has a difficult time walking anywhere.  If the parties were reversed, we would never hear the end of it.  Instead, it is no harm, no foul in the media.  A former ACORN lady named Anita MonCrief spoke at a TEA Party meeting in San Angelo 10 days ago.  She is of the opinion that the Wendy Davis campaign is all about organizing the state of Texas for the 2016 campaign season.  It is essentially a fishing trip iodentifying players and supporters using social media like Facebook.  The idea is to build the lists of potential supporters, identify their issues, identify their likes and dislikes, and most importantly identify their network of friends and in turn populate their database with current data. 2014-01-16/acorn-whistle- blower-says-wendy-davis- campaign-isnt-about-winning
3. Tides.  Thomas Lifson in the American Thinker wrote a piece Mondaydescribing how the anti-fracing environmentalist supporting Tides Foundation (also strongly connected to and supported by Theresa Heinz Kerry) wired $55,000 into the bank account of an Indian chief / mayor in Northern Alberta.  Looks like the Chief was paid to stand on the stage next to Neil young at an anti-fracing event in Toronto.  But nobody can prove it as nobody is talking about the payment / magically appearing free money in his checking account.  We do know that there is Saudi money is behind much of the opposition to production of the Alberta tar sands.  And there have been Saudi Princes quoted as saying new oil production in North America via fracing of shale formations presents a threat to their income stream.  With over a trillion dollars of oil profits in the bank, there is a lot to throw at environmentalists and the network of foundations that support them to fight that increased production every step of the way.  Expect to see more of this.  Follow the money.  Always follow the money. 2014/01/17/first-nations- chief-received-55000-from- tides-foundation
4.  Radiation.  Latest series of hair-raising scaremongering stories has a wave of radiation from the Pacific Ocean hitting the shorelines of Alaska and the left coast of the US.  These tales are quite exciting and those of us who enjoyed the old B-Movies of the late 1950s await with baited breath the next round of giant mutant animals rampaging through cities near you and I sooner rather than later.  After all, this is what radiation does, right?  Last week in a legislative hearing, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Larry Hartig testified that there was no risk to Alaska seafood due to elevated radiation levels in fish and shellfish.  Fish here in Alaska is safe.  They are using data collected by British Columbia and state environmental departments on the left coast.  The FDA has found measurable radiation in fish spawned offshore Japan, but these levels fall well below those that would constitute a problem or a threat to health.  Note that for the record, everything is radioactive.  There are measurable levels of radiation in literally everything.  With radiation as with poisons, it is the dose over time that makes all the difference. 2014-01-23/dec-says-alaska- fish-are-safe-eat#.UuU-fLRvzIU
5.  Sperm Donor.  Men continue to be viewed by the states, family courts and state departments of children and families as little more than two-legged ATM machines.  Latest example comes out of Kansas where the State Department of Children and Families went after a sperm donor for $6,000 in public assistance provided to a pair of lesbians he was involved in artificial insemination with.  The lesbians posted an ad for a sperm donor.  The three signed a contract terminating all his parental rights and promising they would never take him to court for child support.  Everyone thought there was no problem until the state showed up demanding a check.  According to the state of Kansas (home of one Kathleen Sibelius) the contract is null and void because the insemination was not performed by a licensed physician.  Additionally, the state claims that parental rights cannot be severed by a mere contract.  A judge agreed and found against the walking ATM machine.  Interestingly enough in all this, the LGBT community in Kansas has been silent.  Instead of defending the contract in court and publicly, they opted to tap the wallet of the straight man.  At a minimum, this will dry up the availability of willing sperm donors for future same sex couples, or for any other couples for that matter. 
6.  Leases.  Greens won another round against oil exploration in the Chukchi Sea last week when a split Ninth Circus panel decided that the current exploration leases were too flawed to continue.  Anti-drilling environmental groups that brought the lawsuits against drilling include Oceana want the court to toss the leases completely and start over from scratch, potentially costing Shell another five billion dollars just to begin again.  Shell and the Obama administration want to simply redo the EIS and resubmit (more paper, more time, more delays).  The death of a thousand cuts aimed at continued oil exploration in Alaska continues happily along for the greens.  Not so happily for those of us who live up here.  And note that once again that Big Green continues to profit via obstruction, harassment and delay of honest business.  And the expenditure of over five billion dollars is of no consequence to these democrat-appointed judges. 
More later -
- AG
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia
  State House, August 1, 1776.
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