RR Obama, Democrats Advocate Arming Syrian Rebels As Key ISIS strategy

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Rich Martin

2014年9月11日 凌晨3:22:182014/9/11

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Obama, Democrats Advocate Arming Syrian Rebels As Key ISIS strategy

President Barack Obama is pushing for members of Congress to include in a stopgap spending bill a provision giving him the ability to arm and train Syrian rebels he believes can help defeat ISIS.Moderate Friends…

Commissioner Koskinen Says IRS Tries To Follow The Law ‘Whenever We Can’

Take comfort in knowing that, just as you only try to follow federal tax law “whenever you can,” the agency that collects and enforces those same laws is right there with you. …What? You always follow federal tax law because you don’t have much of a choice? Never mind then – the IRS hasn’t got anything in common with you. Read More…
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 Why Is Obama Hoarding Emergency Food?

FEMA is contacting storable food suppliers requesting immediate delivery of food reserves within a 24 hour period. Why?

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Army Officer Barred From Visiting Daughter’s School While In Uniform — Because It Might Offend Someone

Lt. Col. Sherwood Baker, a U.S. Army officer with 24 years in service, was planning to meet with his high school-age daughter’s guidance counselor about her class schedule when a security guard stopped him and told him he couldn’t go inside the school unless he changed out of his military uniform. Why? It might offend a student. Apology Incoming…

Obama’s Jimmy Carter Moment

Ahead of President Barack Obama’s planned remarks on the Islamic State terror threat, NBC’s Chuck Todd on Wednesday suggested that the president’s weak foreign policy stance could do “Jimmy Carter-like” damage to the Democratic Party. Watch…

Senators Tasked With NSA Oversight Urge Appeals Court To End Call Records Collection

Smith v. Obama, a challenge to the NSA’s warrantless collection of phone records, currently before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, has received some high-profile support. In six amicus briefs filed yesterday, a range of groups add depth to the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s argument that the NSA’s activities are an extraordinary invasion of the privacy of innocent Americans. Read More…

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