RR LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report September 15, 2014

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Rich Martin

Sep 16, 2014, 1:08:53 PM9/16/14
to Richs...@googlegroups.com, catapultthenwopoli...@yahoogroups.com, FreeRe...@yahoogroups.com, Politica...@yahoogroups.com, RushLimba...@yahoogroups.com, The_Free...@yahoogroups.com, WhatNo...@yahoogroups.com

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report

Monday, September 15, 2014
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com.
Top Stories
• Newly-Crowned Miss America Kira Kazantsev Worked at Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
• Missionary Couple Heartbroken After Losing Baby in Stillbirth Learn to Trust God

• Do Gays and Lesbians Have a Place in the Pro-Life Movement?
• Woman Who Sued Doctor Who Failed to Kill Baby in Botched Abortion Settles Lawsuit

More Pro-Life News

• Doctors Note Required to Use Chapstick in School, Yet Abortions Available to Minors
• Teacher Sexts 14-Year-Old Then Gives Her Money for Plan B Morning After Pill
• Amazing Time-Lapse Video Shows Beauty of Life From Infancy to Old Age
• Rapist Will be Euthanized So He Doesnt Have to Spend Life in Prison
• This Adorable Rendition of Let it Go by a Girl With Down Syndrome Will Make Your Day
• Abortion Safer Than Childbirth for Women? Not Where Suicide is Concerned

• Thousands Mourn Innocent Victims of Abortion on National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

• Justin Trudeau: Abortion Trumps MPs Freedom of Conscience
• Losing the Abortion Debate, Planned Parenthood Abandons the Term Pro-Choice
• Germany Dedicates Memorial to Disabled People Nazis Killed, But is Our Abortion Eugenics Much Different?

• Texas Clinics Cut Ties With Planned Parenthood After Losing Taxpayer Funding
• Catholic Employees Fight Back Against Being Forced to Pay for Abortions
• Psychiatrist Wants to Push Mentally Ill Patients Into Assisted Suicide

Newly-Crowned Miss America Kira Kazantsev Worked at Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
You probably know her best as the newly-crowned Miss America or the contestant who belted out the infectious pop tune happy as she gleefully tapped on a red solo cup. But heres something you probably didnt know about the new Miss America.
Missionary Couple Heartbroken After Losing Baby in Stillbirth Learn to Trust God
Nate and Ruth Reutter are missionaries in the Brazilian Amazon rain forest. When Ruth was pregnant with their first child, the couple celebrated to raise a child in the mission field as they ministered to local people.

Do Gays and Lesbians Have a Place in the Pro-Life Movement?
For decades, the pro-life movement has had an internal debate on whether gays and lesbians have a place in the pro-life community.
Woman Who Sued Doctor Who Failed to Kill Baby in Botched Abortion Settles Lawsuit
23-year-old Ariel Knights appears to have settled a bizarre lawsuit that saw her sue an abortion practitioner. She experienced a botched abortion, where her baby lived, and sued the abortion practitioner who performed the procedure for failing to take the live of her baby, who was six-months-old at the time.

Doctors Note Required to Use Chapstick in School, Yet Abortions Available to Minors
A news story has been making the rounds about a ridiculous elementary school regulation against students use of lip balm. A fifth-grader named Grace Karaffa requested some Chapstick while on the playground and was denied.
Teacher Sexts 14-Year-Old Then Gives Her Money for Plan B Morning After Pill
A Pennsylvania teacher has been accused of sexting, or sending sexual messages to underage students and providing a teen with money to purchase the morning after birth control pill.

Amazing Time-Lapse Video Shows Beauty of Life From Infancy to Old Age
A beautiful new time-lapse video celebrates the beauty of life as Korean artist and illustrator Seok Jeong Hyeon transforms a baby to an old woman in minutes.
Rapist Will be Euthanized So He Doesnt Have to Spend Life in Prison
You just cant make this stuff up.
This Adorable Rendition of Let it Go by a Girl With Down Syndrome Will Make Your Day
When Jennifer Jalomo posted a video of her 4-year-old daughter, Zariah, lip-singing to Let It Go from Disneys Frozen, she had no idea so many people would watch it. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/this-adorable-rendition- of-let-it-go-by-a-girl-with- down-syndrome-will-make-your- day/
Abortion Safer Than Childbirth for Women? Not Where Suicide is Concerned
Abortion advocates (especially abortionists themselves) like to repeat the soundbite that abortion is safer than child birth. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/abortion-safer-than- childbirth-for-women-not- where-suicide-is-concerned/

Thousands Mourn Innocent Victims of Abortion on National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
On Saturday, September 13, thousands of pro-lifers gathered at 132 locations throughout the United States for the second annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/thousands-mourn- innocent-victims-of-abortion- on-national-day-of- remembrance-for-aborted- children/
Justin Trudeau: Abortion Trumps MPs Freedom of Conscience
Where are all the pro-life politicians? http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/justin-trudeau-abortion- trumps-mps-freedom-of- conscience/
Losing the Abortion Debate, Planned Parenthood Abandons the Term Pro-Choice
Pro-choice advocates are on the ropes, which is why theyre ditching their sheeps clothing and baring their fangs. Ill explain why. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/losing-the-abortion- debate-planned-parenthood- abandons-the-term-pro-choice/
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event in 2014? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at ne...@lifenews.com about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Germany Dedicates Memorial to Disabled People Nazis Killed, But is Our Abortion Eugenics Much Different?
We should applaud the newest memorial in Germany. And maybe we need one of our own. Ill explain. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/germany-dedicates- memorial-to-disabled-people- nazis-killed-but-is-our- abortion-eugenics-much- different/
Texas Clinics Cut Ties With Planned Parenthood After Losing Taxpayer Funding
Abortion is not health care and a handful of Texas-based clinic affiliated with the Planned Parenthood abortion business have found that out the hard way.http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/texas-clinics-cut-ties- with-planned-parenthood-after- losing-taxpayer-funding/
Catholic Employees Fight Back Against Being Forced to Pay for Abortions
Life Legal Defense Foundation and Alliance Defending Freedom have filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over the California Department of Managed Health Cares decision to force Loyola Marymount University and its employees to pay for elective abortions in their health insurance plans. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/catholic-employees- fight-back-against-being- forced-to-pay-for-abortions/
Psychiatrist Wants to Push Mentally Ill Patients Into Assisted Suicide
When you begin to redefine terms to permit some suicides, you have surrendered to suicide. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/ 09/15/psychiatrist-wants-to- push-mentally-ill-patients- into-assisted-suicide/
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Rich Martin


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