Daniel N
unread,May 27, 2011, 10:15:58 AM5/27/11Sign in to reply to author
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to RiCal
Hi Guys,
Normally I wouldn't bring up a rails incompatibility, but this one has
me a bit stumped. I've just moved up to a 3.1 install, but when I use
ri_cal everything goes pear shaped.
The error occurs in the date time extension
.undefined method `get_zone' for Time:Class
ri_cal/property_value/date_time.rb:310:in `__send__'
The offending line is:
RiCal::TimeWithZone.new(utc.to_datetime, ::Time.__send__(:get_zone,
This private method seems to have gone away. Not really sure why a
private method is required here :( Not sure if it's just me though. My
version of ruby is ruby-1.8.7-p334