I am assuming that for the alarm, I can give it a description which
will be the message displayed.
Looking at a ics file exported by ical, the sound played is given like
I am not sure how do get the ';VALUE=URI' part.
event do
attach :value => "SoundName", :params => { "VALUE" => "URI" }
does not work.
The exported ICS file from iCal also includes a TRIGGER item. Is this
the time before the event? It seems to have a value of -1PTH
regardless of whether the alert is 1 hour or 1 day before.
The exported ICS file also has a X-WR-ALARMUID value which looks like
a GUID. I am guessing this is an index into OS X's alarm system. Is
there a generic way to make alarms? i.e, the application importing the
ICS file will see the ALARM, and create it's own reminder?
I am trying to add an alarm to an event. So an hour before a game, I
sound is played, and message is displayed.
I am assuming that for the alarm, I can give it a description which
will be the message displayed.
Looking at a ics file exported by ical, the sound played is given like
I am not sure how do get the ';VALUE=URI' part.
event do
attach :value => "SoundName", :params => { "VALUE" => "URI" }
does not work.
The exported ICS file from iCal also includes a TRIGGER item. Is this
the time before the event? It seems to have a value of -1PTH
regardless of whether the alert is 1 hour or 1 day before.
The exported ICS file also has a X-WR-ALARMUID value which looks like
a GUID. I am guessing this is an index into OS X's alarm system. Is
there a generic way to make alarms? i.e, the application importing the
ICS file will see the ALARM, and create it's own reminder?
On Nov 19, 6:44 pm, Rick DeNatale <rick.denat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 2:34 PM, sheamus <shea.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am trying to add an alarm to an event. So an hour before a game, I
> > sound is played, and message is displayed.
> Exactly what happens on an alarm depends on the calendar client
> application. I assume you are using iCal.app on the Mac based on what
> follows, but I don't think there is a calendar app independent definition
> of how alarms are handled.
> > I am assuming that for the alarm, I can give it a description which
> > will be the message displayed.
> > Looking at a ics file exported by ical, the sound played is given like
> > this:
> > I am not sure how do get the ';VALUE=URI' part.
> > But
> > event do
> > attach :value => "SoundName", :params => { "VALUE" => "URI" }
> > end
> > does not work.
> > The exported ICS file from iCal also includes a TRIGGER item. Is this
> > the time before the event? It seems to have a value of -1PTH
> > regardless of whether the alert is 1 hour or 1 day before.
> First off, the attachment isn't a direct property of an event but of an
> alarm (VALARM) subcomponent of the event.http://www.kanzaki.com/docs/ical/valarm.html
> Google+: +Rick DeNatale <https://plus.google.com/102541178931067955550>