"Authentication failed" error on push behind apache proxy

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Jun 19, 2013, 4:10:09 AM6/19/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com

I have a weird problem. I've got rhodecode setup behinde a https apache proxy:

<Location /rhodecode >
  ProxyPass timeout=14400
  SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1

    Order deny,allow
    AuthBasicProvider file ldap
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "..."
    AuthBasicAuthoritative  off
    AuthUserFile ...
    AuthGroupFile ...
    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
    AuthLDAPURL ...
    require valid-user

  RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-User

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)
  RewriteRule .* - [E=RU:%1]
  RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-User %{RU}e

Access to the webinterface works, pulling works. But when I push I get the following:

hg push
pushing to ...
searching for changes
1 changesets found
abort: authorization failed

It works when I push directly to rhodecode (
Error logs of apache or rhodecode show nothing special.

Do you have any idea what is going on here?



Jun 19, 2013, 7:20:05 AM6/19/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
I forgot to mention, that it used to work with 1.6rc. Current used version is 1.7.1, I unfortunately don't know at which point it actually broke.


Jun 25, 2013, 9:32:09 AM6/25/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
So after further investigation it turns out, for some reason values in the server's repository hgrc file are preventing a successful push.
I have 

allow_push = <name>

in there, which seems to be the reason for the "authentication failed!" error, even though I authenticate with <name>. If I remove that line or change it to 

allow_push = *

pushing works, which is weird, as I thought authentication is managed directly in rhodecode and what is also weird is that it works without apache in the middle.

Any ideas? Is the hgrc of the repository on the server still used by rhodecode?


Marcin Kuzminski

Jun 25, 2013, 9:35:41 AM6/25/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com

yes rhodecode can read hgrc files and actually passes that into mercurial. We might document that better to don't make people confused. The auth etc is done via rhodecode indeed but it was mercurial itself throwing auth failures after rhodecode authenticated it correctly.


Marcin Kuzminski

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Jun 25, 2013, 9:47:04 AM6/25/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
So is everything put into the hgrc file working for that repository? Hooks, etc?


Marcin Kuzminski

Jun 25, 2013, 6:55:56 PM6/25/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
yes all except extensions should be working

Marcin Kuzminski


Jun 26, 2013, 4:24:03 AM6/26/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
So in that case it seems there is a bug in rhodecode when using external authentication (e.g. through apache), as it seems the authenticated user name is not forwarded to mercurial, otherwise the authentication error would not occur. It works when directly authenticating in rhodecode though.


Marcelo Bissaro

Jun 26, 2013, 8:25:09 AM6/26/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com

 Hi everbody,
 I think it should be related to an issue that I saw on 1.6.0.

 I have some git hooks configured on my repos that requires the submitter's username to gather its email from LDAP server, generate some reports, etc...
 On 1.4.0 I used RHODECODE_EXTRAS environment variable. My script is wrote on Perl, and using some regular expression it was able to extract the username from RHODECODE_EXTRAS value.
 But since 1.6.0 it is not working anymore, and my git hooks can't figure out the submitter's username.
 Is it related to this HG issue somehow?

 My Rhodecode is also working under Apache2.


Marcelo Bissaro

Jun 26, 2013, 9:13:32 AM6/26/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com

 After another debug section, I figured out that RHODECODE_EXTRAS is not available anymore.
 My Perl script algorithm looks like this:

my $rhodecode_extras = eval "(exists $ENV{RHODECODE_EXTRAS}) ? $ENV{RHODECODE_EXTRAS} : 'empty'"
my $username = isolate_username_from_rhodecode_extras_raw_value

 The problem is that '$rhodecode_extras' value on this case is 'empty'. Because $ENV{RHODECODE_EXTRAS} does not exist.

 If I can read the submiter's username from any other way, please let me know :)

Marcelo Bissaro

Jun 27, 2013, 1:34:03 PM6/27/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com

 Hi all,
 Sorry for all those emails in sequence... But it is for a good reason now :)
 After some more debug, I found that RHODECODE_EXTRAS does not exist, but RC_SCM_DATA does. So, I've changed my Perl script to extract the username from RC_SCM_DATA environment variable, instead of RHODECODE_EXTRAS and it worked.
 Is that expected? I mean, the RHODECODE_EXTRAS being removed between 1.4.0 and 1.6.0?


Marcin Kuzminski

Jun 27, 2013, 1:36:39 PM6/27/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com

yes that's correct we unified that logic for GIT and HG, so for both you can access the env variables. Additionally they store more info now like IP. 

Marcin Kuzminski

Marcin Kuzminski

Jun 27, 2013, 1:37:49 PM6/27/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
I would need to check where mercurial expect the user in their ACL hooks, but they should be propagated to mercurial. If we have time i'll investigate this.


Marcin Kuzminski
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