diff view between two arbitrary versions

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Jun 17, 2013, 3:07:26 PM6/17/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
In the latest released RhodeCode, I'm trying to do a diff between two arbitrary changesets from the changelog view. 

In the changelog view, it seems that the "Show selected changesets" simply shows all changesets in between the changesets selected, ignoring the branches that they are on.

I've added to changelog.html template a diff button that appears when two changesets are selected; it uses the compare controller to display the changes between the two changesets.  It handles two cases that the "Show selected changsets" doesn't handle very well:

1)  If the starting and ending changeset are on the same branch, but there are commits on a separate branch in between the selected changesets, the compare view will ignore them, since they don't contribute to the ending changeset, while the changeset controller will include them.
2)  If the start and ending changeset are on different branches, the compare controller will calculate a proper diff between the two changesets

I'm wondering if this functionality is somewhere else in RhodeCode that I have overlooked, or if I should create a pull request.



Marcin Kuzminski

Jun 27, 2013, 7:16:17 PM6/27/13
to rhod...@googlegroups.com
If you select changeset in the changelog view the default view is showing seperated changesets. There's a link to the combined compare view, when you click on the header link that looks like: r1:02345e89a7cb -> r3:e87c300b6b10

Is this what you're looking for ? If yes then we need to make it more explicit and label it so people know what it is doing.


Marcin Kuzminski

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