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ESB Project Update

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Corey Kaylor

Nov 5, 2013, 12:11:25 PM11/5/13
to Rhino Tools Dev
Some of you may or may not be aware of my work on a new project with Jeremy Miller in the Fubu* family of projects called FubuTransportation. For me this is a clean slate opportunity to apply lessons learned while maintaining rhino service bus over the last few years. You can see an introduction video recorded at Pablo's Fiesta (bad quality though) and the preliminary documentation at

Being involved in RSB over the last few years has been a good experience for me. I hope the project has served others as well as it has for us.

With that being said, my involvement to help maintain RSB will be very limited going forward. Feel free to respond or ping me directly if you have any questions or comments.

Nathan Palmer

Nov 5, 2013, 3:18:07 PM11/5/13
Hey Corey,

Just a couple of questions. The quality on the video, like you mentioned, was poor. It sounds like you couldn't use RSB without a lot of friction coupled with the fact that the parts you used of RSB just wasn't large enough to justify it? Did I get that right? 

Secondly, I assume FubuTransportation is tied to FubuMVC or just the the core? I'm fairly unfamiliar with Fubu so mostly asking if it can be used outside of FubuMVC.

Nathan Palmer

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Corey Kaylor

Nov 5, 2013, 4:41:13 PM11/5/13
to Rhino Tools Dev
It's tied to the FubuMVC.Core but can be used independent of any web host. However, you can have an embedded Katana/OWIN host and expose interesting Diagnostics and Instrumentation into your Windows Services (we're already using this). I would say that friction aside, having been a contributor to FubuMVC for a while now, I started to see benefits that could be very useful in a messaging system and I didn't see that being very easy given RSB's "close to the metal" and opinionated approach. Not to mention that the original author wouldn't recommend using it anymore ;) Here is a few things that we consider beneficial.

Multi-transport in a single process i.e. running both zeromq, and rabbitmq if needed
Collapsing a distributed system into memory for easy fast integration testing
Scenario based testing that can assert what your system sent and received (all correlated w/ cause and effect)
Leveraging conventions to minimize coupling to the messaging framework
Poco handlers (via OOTB conventions)
BehaviorChains for your handlers.
Pluggable / Extendable Serialization
Rich modularity via Bottles
Pluggable Exception behavior (one of the most request features for RSB)

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