It was difficult...

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Mar 31, 2008, 9:08:23 AM3/31/08
to Rhetoric Of Fiction,
First of all I want to express my feelings about the article. What
was it! I read it during the week . I couldn't understand anything.
There are a lot of difficult words. Also I didn't understand some
ideas. But then I searched some information about it in internet .
Then I understood what the writer wanted to say. Ok that's
all ! !!

Panoptocisim ---- it means control of society .Or we can say that
it's a control of our feelings. During our life we are
controlled by some ones may be by our parents or someone
else.But I think we are controlled by God. I want to say an
example about being an important person. We feel importance
when president or director knows us or greets with us. But
it's wrong because all of us important persons because God
knows us. Discipline comes from ourselves. We get up in the
morning and we think about our works which we are going to
do. This discipline mechanism was named as Panopticism by
Foucault and for him discipline projects developed into today`s
Panoptican discipline through the time of historical transformation.
And this formation of discipline projects 'throughout the whole social
body' has become bases of disciplinary society.
Discipline means some rules .....these rules are not written.There
are different discipline in society. It can be in government , in
family Actually in family parents pay attention to their
children's discipline.For ex;eating, sleeping,education and others.
I think discipline is important thing in our life. Because in
this way we understand that what we can do and what can't do
or what's right or what'd wrong. We can prove overselves.But we
must not forget barrier. Sometimes in some families parents don't
let their children to do a lot of things. For ex; to play with
their friends, to go out ,to watch TV etc. It's too bad. Because
these things effect children's mind --- to be free. To think free,to
Police are one of the important part of society. They control people,
illegal things.Prisoners under control of police.
I thing it's awfull thing to be conrolled of by someone. But it's
not depend of us. We fell it all time. If I do wrong thing I
fell guilty. Because I know God see it. God is controller of
all the world.

Mar 31, 2008, 9:08:23 AM3/31/08
to Rhetoric Of Fiction,
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