rhetoric of fiction

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Mar 13, 2008, 5:27:02 PM3/13/08
to Rhetoric Of Fiction
Hi everybody.i have read this topic and find interesting argument
about cartoons.all of us have talked about how accent imitate to
children.i think accent is not important for children.for my opinion
children determinate bad or good characters by their
appearance.actually in cartoons bad characters are described in ugly
appearance.it is easy to determinate bad characters for children.but
accent is second step.how little children can choose accent?for ex we
talked about accent in Aladdin.it was my favorite cartoon.but whenever
I look actually I didn't pay attention to their accent.i just looked
to jasmine and Aladdin.i lliked them.but there are some bad
characters.i knew them by their appearance and all time they do only
evil things.and the most important thing is emotion,feeling.while we
waching catoons or movie in our mind arise some fellings.always good
characters give us only good emotion and this emotion stay long time
in our mind.but for learning as a secondary language the accent is not
useful.i want to describe bad and good side.for ex when child looks
the cartoons and there is a character who speaks in accent and child
like this character,then he orshe began imitate to him he began to be
like him or her.but it is not correct in native language.it could be
mistake for children.but looking in another aspects there is a good
side.for ex while whaching the chartoons the character with speaking
in accent belong to other nation and other culture.so that children is
informed about anoher culture.it is good side in my opinion.but
nowadays there are some chartoons which puzzled childrens mind.i think
chartoons should be interesting which attracted and knowledge them.i
watch Turkish movie in which our Azeri actress plays but she speaks in
azeri accent.she describes our country.so I think accent has bad and
good side in our life
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