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Mar 30, 2008, 3:39:41 PM3/30/08
to Rhetoric Of Fiction
Good evening!

Very very interesting topic for me.
As others students I also want to share my opinion.
I want to begin from the explanation of the”:panopticism”-is that you
are observed, surveillanced ,controlled by the others.whom you don’t
know and can’t see, even imagine.( it can be psycologycal power over
human, authority,or by law,government) as a theory it is a social
control based on the surveillance of someone to others.
What is a discipline?-is a system full of rules,laws,
obligations,duties and tasks.This system doesn’t accept your-
refuse,wish or mood . Discipline’s notion is- you must obey!IT BRINGS
One step out that frame,PUNISHMENT’ll expect you.
Disciplinary society-from Foucault describtion: Town taken under the
control cause of plague.
imagine that like a pyramid- at the top intendant
in the middle syndic
at bottom “prisoners
all depend from the each other.brifly: no permission for freedom, for
relation with others, forbidden communication , for going out, et.c I
am sorry:( but like an animals keeping in the case, keeper provides
them with their needs .the prisoner could never know when he was being
surveilled.they isolated from the society.
You have no right to control yourself, to express yourself,can’t feel
free. Go out whenever you want, take a fresh breathe,to behave how
you want.it takes freedom from your hands. makes you as maschines
which work with mechanism.maschines are-”bodies&
prisioners,mechanisims- are” disciplinary rules”
But opposite of these could we imagine the life without disciplines?
Let’s imagine: I cross the road at the red light,:)
What happened ?car crossed upon me:((
Or how I can speak loudly, with my parents, I know I must respect
them.et.c Here I want to show only psychological power,ability to
think consciously,reflectsor influences of our surronders can take a
control over us. Not rules. We have to choose rules and identify them
to ourselves.( except at work, at schools ,unv.systems in business
etsc.) I mean in our private life as a human being.
From my own life I can show one exp. One of our teachers during at
lesson gave us too much freedom.we could go in and out when ever we
wanted. Lesson was like a “bazaar” everybody did what they want.
Coming ,going. This freedom ended badly. Only one girl from 30ty was
participating at the lessons .other were outside(including
me)teacher’s new style of giving freedom and going out the frame of
the unv’s disciplinary system didn’t let us to pass that lesson’s
I think when making disciplinary rules both freedom( a bit I mean
freedom not full ) and strict rules should step parallel, and accept
us as a human being.

Thanks you.
Shahla _jabrailzadeh 4b

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