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Apr 1, 2008, 7:06:13 PM4/1/08
to Rhetoric Of Fiction
The whole text is talked about panopticism, its theory and how it was
applied to the society.Panopticism is a theory which is based on
concepts of observation society.If we look at th word of panopticism
atentively, we can observe the word has 2 parts. 1.Pan which might
taken from word ''pane'' (a pane of glass). The other part of word is
optic connected with eye. Now let us have addition of these word: Pane
+Optic = Panopticism= Surveillance. You may have a question why I make
equality between Patopticism and surveillance. Now, let us have
flashback to XVII century. At that times, there were spread out
plague . Ordinary urban papulation forced to have disciples and
panishments according to government. And this ruled syndics and
intendants. Sysdics observed and surveillance people and their home.
They controls their house. They lock the doors and gave keys to
intendants. Syndic always controlled housekeepers whether they are
their home or not. If They could not find them at home ,then they
could be panished for that. Because nobody could go out of home.
Because, it was dangerous not only for person who went out,but also
for the society. You know plague is infectious. So, 1 is whole, and
whole is one. Syndic surveillanced them by calling their name, people
who are home came to close to the window. By this method syndics made
an account of people. If someone could not seen on window ,then
syndics searched about those guys whether they were ill or die. But,
intendants controlled syndics works how they worked on their
task,whether they obey their task or not. So in that point, we see
syndics and intendants were surveillance the people lived amount of
time when there were existed plague. Panopticism seems to be equal in
that point. Both of them have observation of other people. But,
Panopticism is more large concept. And surveillance include in
Panopticism. In other word, surviellance is one part of panopticism.
Panopticism has also talk about discipline and disciplinary society.
We talk about plague . And when it was excist there was not theory of
panopticism. Plague was push for appearance of theory of Panopticism.
It was Bentham who wrote about concept of theory of Panopticon. He
only make a theory but doesn't spoke about panopticon which could
applied in a different sides of life. It was Facault who spoke about
panopticism and its effects on schools, hospitals, prisons. He spoke
about disciplines which is one of the branch of panapticism. He
discribe disciple as a power having 3 cretetia.1. a power at lowerst.
2. the social power to their maximum intensity. 3. he liked this
economic growth with education, military, industry, medicals. You see
he wants to discribe about disciplenes in a good way . Facault wants
to say it is inportant fos society to have disciplenes. Discipline is
applied with power. First power. Facault also wants to say disciplines
is not only important for individual ,but olso for community. And
with disciplines society might have reach to his high levels. In order
to avoid from guild , it is important to have same rule to obey. And
disciplines is good reason for it. Disciplines also having applied to
society and its organisation make economical development. In other
word disciplinary society make its developement stage. Let us thing
about schools, hospitals , prisons. And you could observe each place
has its own disciplinary rules, So every body knows his ,her own
place. Teacher, pupil as pupil, dostor as doctor , patient as patient.
And their own actions and speach is differrentiate with one another.
For ex. Doctors act as doctor because , they make Hippocrate swear.
And as discipline ,they prefer always their own conscience.
Let as speak about spectacles. Yes, Facault speak about spectacle as
other part of Panopticicm. People from the past, espesially actors ,
feel themselves as a main apparatus when they are on stage. They
controll their action , because they know all audience look and
observe them. But sectacle is not only about stages. It could be
notted to telescreens, televisions to. For ex, From G.Orwell's
<<1984>> , there was telescreens ,which observe party and it members.
The party members also payed attention to their actions , speach ,
mimics at their home. They were observed by telescreens at their home
2) I want to speak about one television programme called
"Qafas" (means cage). It was game.There were young people ,staying one
big home for several weeks . they were obsereved in every room by
telescreens. And each week , television show them ,and their all
strange actions. At the begining of game, people who was on game ,
payed a great attention for their actions,speaches. But then they
began to forgot about telescreens , and feel themselves free, do and
acted however they wanted . If seems to me strange ,they acted as they
are at their home. This game teach me , Person could show his or her
real face soon or late even if he \ she under strict disciplines.
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