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Apr 1, 2008, 4:00:10 AM4/1/08
to Rhetoric Of Fiction
This writing, mostly reminds me some main security
centers of the world, such as; CIA, FBI, MOSSAD, in which citizens
observed, or analysed, or in some ways, people are disciplined,
limited and adapted to the rules of the regime or state which they
in, with one word, these are very actual, inevitable issues for
Before explaining "Discipline", "Disciplinary Society"
Foucault gives
a description of plague in the XVII century, and the measures should
be taken against it: in this quarantine regime all the people and
houses are observed, a real 'discipline' was created against that
Then author makes a clear comparison of Panopticism and modren
society, first is a building with tower from which everybody is seen,
or could be observed clearly.
The connection is obvious, in today's world, Governments,
Securities, Militants, Police play the role of that Panoptican, that
is, they are enable to observe or analyse the citizens against the
modern age's plaques; Narcotic, AIDS, many abnormalities and the
things we consider them all negatives.
In a democratic, independent and developed country, its
difficult to
make a Disciplinary society without breaking people's rights, here
Panoptican's due is to protect the balance between them.
For such a disciplined, spectacled society, development is
inevitable, it sees all the abnormalities, dangers, or some lacks,
then neutralize them or try to decrease it to zero with disciplined
people, no one is out of this observation, it covers each class
members of society; doctors, teachers, students, that's from to top
bottom. As a result, this discipline increases the number of people
be easily controlled and examined.
For me, this discipline type is must for modern society, we
can take
USA, or western European countries as example, they are main
of democracy in the world. Just imagine citizens are free, has
and use drug as natural their right. If the government doesn't
prevent, or limit it, what can that nation expect from that youth?
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